
Depends what kind of abortion we are talking about.

I view midterm and late-term abortions as murder, obviously. After 3 months the baby is already formed and it's beginning to become sentient.

Removing a 3 month old baby is murder and the procedures they do that with is just as outrageous as what the Nazis did in the death camps.

The doctor that is committing a murder on a 3 month old baby with such disgusting procedures is as atrocious as the Nazi scientist that was doing human experiments in Auschwitz.

I am not sure about first term abortion, the fetus grows very quickly.

Like for example I would not ban contraception. And I don't even think those day after pills are bad.

A woman should know when she is pregnant, it's easy to test, so if she stick with the baby, she can't have the option to murder it after 3 months because she changed her mind, that is obviously evil.

What the hell are they thinking anyway? They keep the baby for 6-7 months and then they just change their minds and figure they should just throw the baby away before birth?

That is utterly disgusting, these parents are scum.