Red, long hair is pulled back to reveal a skinny, anguished face. Sparkling gray eyes, set buried within their sockets, watch heartily over the lands they've grieved with for so long. Fair skin charmingly compliments her cheeks and leaves a captivating memory of her reckless luck.
The is the face of Melissa Falkner, a true challenger among halflings. She stands common among others, despite her tough frame.
There's something enthralling about her, perhaps it's her sense of justice or perhaps it's simply a feeling of arogance. But nonetheless, people tend to treat her like family, while making up bigger stories about her.(html comment removed: EndFragment)
Red, long hair is pulled back to reveal a skinny, anguished face. Sparkling gray eyes, set buried within their sockets, watch heartily over the lands they've grieved with for so long.
Fair skin charmingly compliments her cheeks and leaves a captivating memory of her reckless luck.
The is the face of Melissa Falkner, a true challenger among halflings. She stands common among others, despite her tough frame.
There's something enthralling about her, perhaps it's her sense of justice or perhaps it's simply a feeling of arogance. But nonetheless, people tend to treat her like family, while making up bigger stories about her.(html comment removed: EndFragment)