Hello Loves, Jules here just wanting to say a quick message and see how you are all doing!
My playmate/lover Nikita aka canadianvixen have and I have started our new podcast season under The Kinky Cast on Apple podcast aswell as Spotify! We have name this season “Thirsty Thursday’s” as we know you all are just thirsty for some juice!
On our podcast we talk about bedroom topics, our first episode was yesterday where we spoke about threesomes, our poly relationship we are in, and much more! Nothing is to crazy for us to talk about!!
We do have an Instagram and Twitter under The Kinky Cast! So give us a follow please!!! wink
Also go to my playmates dporn (canadianvixen) and you will be able to find the link to our site aswell!
On the insta and Twitter we have links for the polls that my mastermind of the technical department Nikita does for us! So with that being said the polls are daily and we need you to do them!!!
So really what I’m trying to get at here with this blog entry is to go on our site,listen to our podcast, and participate in the polls!!!
I will leave you with a special picture just because I love you all! Enjoy! wink
Stay happy, healthy and kinky!
Love yours truly,
Little Jules 💋
World.biggest if you ever want a special picture or video just for you... or stories just let me know and for a bit of $$$ it can happen!