Today I had the house and the garden for me alone. The weather was fantastic! I used the time to sunbathe. I took a towel and layed down in the grass. Without clothes of course. I want to tan all parts of my body! I started with my backside :)
The sun was really hot today! It was really burning on my ass :) I think it had about 24 degrees. Pretty warm for April.
Changing location because I got nervous about neighbours seeing me. I am already really taned on my neck. I need to get my back taned more.
I hope you like my photos from today in the garden. I will post a second part later if you like it. There was also my other body side that needed some sun on the skin ;)
Yes - definitely more please!
That warmth sounds SO DELICIOUS, I wish I were there. I just have to be patient, I know it'll warm up soon here.
Thank you honey :) I will post more!
Yeah the warmth WAS and IS delicious. We have the best weather in years at this time. They say there will be sunshine for 2 more weeks.