Saber (Altria / Artoria Pendragon) TG

in #nsfw6 years ago

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Disclaimer: Saber aka Artoria Pendragon aka Altria Pendragon from the "Fate/ Series" is the Original Copyright of Type-Moon and this work is intended to be transformative if erotic in nature. Without Further adieu;


Saber/ Altria/ Artoria Pendragon TG

In an infinite omniverse of possibilities too numerous to comprehend to the mortal mind; even now new possibilities are being created in every moment and second across every single one of them…

From the greatest changes to history as we know it such as the Roman Empire never falling in the 470s, to the most mundane of decisions such as you choosing to drink water over orange juice with your breakfast one day...

One universe in this great and infinite sea though would stand out for the truly bizarre circumstances it would produce that came from a meteor from the skies…

Baxter was lounging on his living room sofa in the night relaxing with a nice session of some Mega Microgames on his GBA almost about to set a new high score and his attention was undivided on his game.

“Okay come on…” He barely had time to rest between each game as they kept getting faster and faster. He was on his last life and it would all come down to whether or not he could complete the Hot Dog microgame in time when suddenly:


“WHA-?!” Baxter was snapped away from his GBA by an explosion he heard from his yard outside! Forgetting about his loss on his games he ran to his window to see what had crashed outside.

In his backyard, he could see a meteorite impact fresh upon his yard but what was particularly out of the ordinary was how the meteor was glowing a bright yellow underneath the clumps of dirt that it had covering it.

Against his better judgement, Baxter decided to go into his backyard to see how the rock looked. He improvised himself some heat protection by getting some oven mitts to use as fireproof gloves to dust off the dirt clumps and hopefully handle the rock when it got cooler.

Baxter then went outside to the impact site in his yard to examine the meteor closer and after he tried moving the dirt clumps he found that it wasn’t nearly as hot as he was expecting but he chalked that up to his oven mitts.

The meteor’s shape was rather odd for a space rock. For one it was perfectly golden. It was curved in a perfect “C” shape with pointed ends. It also had a sheen to it that shone beautifully. Taking it in his hands Baxter found the material both light and yet it simply 'felt powerful' as well.

“Altrium.” the name came to his head. Where he got that name from he didn’t know but when the thought entered his mind it just felt to him as true as his breathing. This meteor’s name was Altrium.

So now Baxter knew what it was, but what he did not know: was what did it do? Thankfully just as soon as that question came into his mind the answer to it came just as quickly! Start researching it of course!

How hard could DIY Geology be in the age of Internet access? And so Baxter’s personal research project began with his goal to determine the properties of the mysterious Altrium substance as he knew it was called.However, first things first would be for him to keep a journal of his findings as he tested various properties of his new space subject:

Altrium Research Project
By: Baxter Camlainn Arnos

Day One: Contact.

The following reports will detail several experiments and tests conducted by I: Baxter Arnos, layperson temporarily acting as amateur geologist for science in the name of discovery.

The subject of my research being the substance “Altrium” a mysterious substance that had landed via asteroid impact inside of my residence’s backyard.

What I’ve determined about the substance so far is that it is extremely hard. Nothing I possess short of Diamonds that I do not have due to financial reasons can scratch this substance. I do not know if even diamonds can even scratch this durable object.

It does however on its pointed ends serve to scratch everything else I’ve tested it on. I’m not even sure if the substance is dulling or not it feels just as sharp as the first time I’ve used it in my tests to scratch other objects.

Altrium’s surface and texture is incredibly smooth to unprotected human touch. The substance just “feels perfect” to use cruder language to describe it. It is both smooth as silk and as powerful as platinum to human contact. Of course, I will need a second opinion on this matter from an actual geologist or at the very least someone studying the profession within university…

I cannot confirm things like Altrium’s streak if it even has one or if it is radioactive; something I had not considered until after I had started this project. I associate radiation with extreme heat and while there was some heat present in Altrium at first contact I believe that it is negligible and it is slightly cooler than it was at said first contact.

I believe I can research this on my own and the more I’m near it the more I feel that it’s really important to others that I do this for them. For their knowledge, primarily and perhaps Altrium can be used for something beneficial to everyone.

I must do this.

…It felt like the strangest feeling came over Baxter as he finished writing his first report on the substance hastily on his dinner table. When he read it over again it didn’t even really sound like him. He was never a very social and charitable person so that paragraph didn’t seem right to him…

Even if he wanted to erase the stuff though, for one he didn’t have enough erasers to do it and for two it was late and he was tired! It was almost quarter past eleven o’clock and he needed to sleep! So, to bed he went…

The next morning Baxter felt as renewed and as fresh faced as a lily although the bedhead he got over the night was a bit of a blight on that. A quick trip to a mirror would take care of it though. Unfortunately, though the vast majority of his crazy hair was tamed with combs and water there was still one little hair lock in the middle of his forehead that was refusing to stay down.

Frustrated and angry Baxter ultimately just cut the thing off and threw it into the trashcan in his bathroom and he went back to researching his Altrium sample…

Day 2

Due to the lack of equipment I have, to perform all of the tests to confirm the parameters of Altrium I have gone with some standard ones I remember from my Geology course in my stead.

I attempted to determine its taste for one test because mostly I was feeling hungrier than usual so I gave the substance a wash and dried it off with a towel before I gave it a lick. It didn’t have a taste at all but at least it didn’t taste repulsive. Now I feel all weird now that I’ve written this down but I don’t want to erase this so as to detract from what I’m doing for everyone…

For another point however, the material is still warm so it is likely radioactive as it would have cooled. Though I don’t feel any radiation poisoning effect such as the taste of copper in my mouth or a great sense of weakness around Altrium. If anything, it is quite the opposite I feel stronger and invigorated and maybe it’s just me but my skin has never felt so good. It’s so smooth and soft to the touch!

Though I think I am getting slightly shorter in my body frame overall. This is all rather irrelevant to the rock itself I recognize. However if Altrium has a type of “enhancement effect” I should see how it improves myself overtime maybe it can help other people with their…Beauty? Perhaps?

Day 3

Something is definitely wrong with me. The experiment I attempted with keeping Altrium with me for the duration of this day has had some startling consequences for my body overall.

Actually, before I continue I should start at the beginning: The experiment for today was for me to keep the Altrium I had with me in a portable gym bag and start a basic jogging routine around my local park for about five to six laps. The jog itself went well though. Throughout it I just felt more and more powerful I felt like I could just keep on going forever on that run!

I made a lot of new friends too at the park. I met some families that I helped get some new Ice cream that their kids had dropped on accident. Some other joggers on my route I choose for myself that I exchanged health tips with. And I even tried fishing with one person to help him get a catch! I wasn’t very good at it but I think it gave him the morale he needed to keep going because he eventually caught one and he gave it to me!

I was really curious as to why he did that for me and he told me that it was because I was “beautiful.” That made me feel a strange combination of disgust and confusion. I was still a guy (or at the very least I thought I still looked like a guy at the time) and last I checked I wasn’t gay so I just kind of brushed it off with an awkward “oh…um…th-thank you” and left after wards. I was glad that I made him happy but I didn’t want to be treated like a girl like that. It was just a weird situation overall.

In addition to that experience my increasing appetite and hunger could not be ignored. I wrote it off as nothing out of the ordinary yesterday as I just cooked bigger portions for myself by multiplying out ingredients and started to use better food and ingredients for my recipes and meals rather than just slapping together some instant ramen and cereal. I’m finding myself getting a new passion for cooking for myself that may be being encouraged by what I think is happening to me...

The increased hunger and appetite I had probably really burdened and intimidated the food cart venders I came across on the jog but I just had to try all of their food to see how they all compared to each other! I probably didn’t have to order one of everything they offered but I just couldn’t help myself!

Over time though I found myself running short on cash I had in my wallet for my gluttony but the people running the carts still gave me discounts and freebies for being “cute" and “hot” and I even got a sexy at one point! I don’t remember making myself up differently on this day compared to any other so I just had to get back to the lake to see what had suddenly caused everybody to start complimenting me like I was some supermodel on the street?!?

Though when I got to the lake my questions were answered with my reflection:

My hair had turned perfectly blonde and that “weird stray hair” I had on my head from yesterday morning had grown back from its cutting off and it was sticking out from my hair in a perfect arc!

What was more my face shape had changed and it looked softer and almost radiant in its beauty. My eyes had also changed from blue to a verdant green!

And then I looked down to my body finding my entire frame had shrank to that of a young woman! Lower shoulders, smaller and daintier arms and legs, my smaller and softer hands. I almost overlooked my clothes because those had changed as well!

What was once a simple black jogging outfit for men turned into this white one piece swimsuit with some blue accents covering my body that emphasized my modest new chest, a female’s butt, and how thin and fit my figure was for a girl despite how much I ate that day!

I realized then that I was checking myself out in public of all places and became flush with embarrassment! I didn’t even bother to check if I had a new 'canyon' to greet me before I started running for home to write this all down! For the curious; yes, sometime within my running back to my home or during the jog I took I did lose my male genitalia for the fairer sex’s equivalent. I assume you know full well how I was able to confirm that.

I kicked off my new ballet flats that formed on my feet to see that not even they were saved from my body’s affliction. Smaller and petite standard female body size. They were kind of cute but I knew full well that they smelled along with the rest of my new and nimble feminine form so I decided to take a shower.

Though when I got to the bathroom I discovered the same glow the first Altrium meteor had on its impact coming from my bathroom’s wastebasket! I almost dreaded what it could be but deep down I knew… I looked inside of it and there was another perfectly shaped Altrium where that lock of hair I cut off was thrown into the trashcan…

Day 4 (Morning)

I am making this entry brief due to time today and also I intend to acquire new clothes for my female form at a clothing store near here.

The Altrium that had formed from my head’s ahoge reacted with the other one strongly yesterday. When two or more Altrium materials are together they speed up the process of its effects on humans and non-Altrias speeding up their mysterious process… When I brought the two Altriums together I had felt my personality and mind itself being rewritten and shifted.

“Baxter” almost doesn’t exist anymore within my mind. His memories are disappearing and fading quickly as the Altrium takes its effects upon me. Now I am Saber. Saber Altria Pendragon. This is ultimately Altrium’s final effect: Conversion into a “Saberface Saber Class” from the Servant Universe’s Space. Altrium occurs naturally in select places there.

Thankfully I do not believe that I myself am radioactive. I can only hope others will be fine around me. I couldn’t force this transformation onto other people who do not in turn want it for themselves, that would make me no better than a mindless zombie. I should only do this if it makes others happy but I still have some questions unanswered:

“What is Altrium's effects on other Human Types and Ages? Can there be variations within the Saber Class as well?”

I will probably never answer these questions because to do so I would have to force someone to agree to this…I could not in good conscience condemn someone to something that I know from first-hand experience is permanent. I know this in a similar way to how the name of the substance Altrium came to my head. There is no reversing Saberface Conversion so I must keep Altrium to myself and only those who wish to join me. But only if they choose to do so of their own free will without any kind of coercion.

Already this had gotten long winded I must end this entry here now.

I found myself at the place known as the “Long Plains Supermall” which was a short drive from my house. I had found myself wearing a white shirt with some blue jeans on as the only pair of clothing I was comfortable with when I was going through my old male clothing. It was unpleasant to wear on my new body but it was the best thing I could find that didn’t hurt as much as the rest of the clothing options I had.

After a brief foray into several new tops, shirts, lingerie, and medium length skirts for myself I had found myself in a stuffed animal store where I had found the most adorable lion plushie! I went out to reach for it when I found another hand grabbing it with mine! I looked over and there was a little boy with short brown hair who also wanted the plushie.

I played ignorant hoping that he didn’t want it by asking him “umm…what are you doing here?”

“Mommy told me I could pick one stuffed animal from the store for being good today.”

I knew he wanted the lion even though I wanted it more. Here I was torn between two things I held dear that lion plushie and my desire to help others. I knew what I had to do though…

I took my hand off of the plushie and told the boy to wait just a moment. I then rummaged through my wallet and took the last of my cash I had on me and gave it to the small boy to have him buy the lion plushie.

The young boy was estatic and he gave my lower leg a hug as thanks and then he ran back to his mother to tell her the good news.

My joy however turned into confusion as I saw a hair suddenly stick up in almost a straight up line with a curve almost like a sickle coming from the very top of his head almost like…

And then my joy turned into abject terror at what I had inadvertently done by going outside today! I covered my mouth with one hand to hide my agape jaw and quickly cast my gaze down to the floor of the store.

All those people I had passed in the mall and on the way over to it, all of the people who walked by me in the stores I had visited today, those people I saw who I brushed off as just having bedheads earlier on in the store, even that little boy who approached me!

They were all just afflicted by my being…

I was contagious.


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