You have few followers there. I haven’t sold anything there yet so far, but this platform has great potential.
I think you can try the following:
- Create a separate post and tell that you sell books in LBRY and how it works.
- Remind each story at the beginning of the post that users can purchase books in LBRY
- Post some free quick-release stories to warm up your audience
You can also try to voice the story and upload it to YouTube. I once wrote a short story, voiced it and uploaded to YouTube and it gained about 1000 views. In the video I attached a link to Dporn.
PS: follow you
Thanks for the advice. Thus far, I've not managed to be pre-emptive in uploading to LBRY (i.e. before I share them here...) so the link thing hasn't worked, but it would be easy to create a "buy here" link to go before/after each post.
I don't have a good way to do sound and/or video yet. I'd love to branch out, but so far I haven't seen a good way to do it for minimal investment while I'm still experimenting.