Nice to see you again my friend.
Today with a Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) ?
These variations has any particular name?
By the way... nice christmas ribbon :)
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Nice to see you again my friend.
Today with a Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) ?
These variations has any particular name?
By the way... nice christmas ribbon :)
IF you have guessed correctly & won today's giveaway, then you can have it for 1 last time today @steemcocas . But then after that you are no longer eligible to participate. Due to the fact that as of right now, you have already won 5 times.
I never asked for any prize, I participate and will, for fun
What can I do, for all, is don't tell my oppinion (right or wrong), and wait until the 7th day, to let others also participate
Like I said, never asked for prize...@grdygoddessmegan, "you are no longer eligible to participate", are a strong words, don't you think? :)
You are FREE to CONTINUE for as Long as you want to @steemcocas . See the Above UPDATE.
Didn't think those were "strong words". Any type of Giveway like this does have to have some very basic guidelines. That way it's fair for everyone. Also, I said nothing about being the "Runner Up". Which does get my Full Vote (usually worth 1200-1500 VITP). You are more than welcome to do that Daily. As a matter of fact, I will even Upvote this comment right now. Just to give you some Extra. Regardless of what Today's Results are.
You are half right, it is indeed a Cow Face Pose but that is only half of the story ;) What is the other half?
I know @nakedyoga ... I can tell now ... I let others answer before ... since noone answered... :) I think that is a Gomukhasana with Eagle Arms :)