
IF you have guessed correctly & won today's giveaway, then you can have it for 1 last time today @steemcocas . But then after that you are no longer eligible to participate. Due to the fact that as of right now, you have already won 5 times.

I never asked for any prize, I participate and will, for fun
What can I do, for all, is don't tell my oppinion (right or wrong), and wait until the 7th day, to let others also participate
Like I said, never asked for prize...@grdygoddessmegan, "you are no longer eligible to participate", are a strong words, don't you think? :)

Didn't think those were "strong words". Any type of Giveway like this does have to have some very basic guidelines. That way it's fair for everyone. Also, I said nothing about being the "Runner Up". Which does get my Full Vote (usually worth 1200-1500 VITP). You are more than welcome to do that Daily. As a matter of fact, I will even Upvote this comment right now. Just to give you some Extra. Regardless of what Today's Results are.

You are half right, it is indeed a Cow Face Pose but that is only half of the story ;) What is the other half?

I know @nakedyoga ... I can tell now ... I let others answer before ... since noone answered... :) I think that is a Gomukhasana with Eagle Arms :)