Most pornographers are not true artists, but many great artists like Egon Schiele, for example, were accused of being pornographers.
Most pornographers are not true artists, but many great artists like Egon Schiele, for example, were accused of being pornographers.
Many (true) artists (not Schiele - he was on another trip) are or was pornographers. It's just a topic. Especially in the 18th century, when liberty was a real fight and liberalism was a real movement, you saw a lot of great artists go that way. Some of them have been judged overly hard by the more puritan romantics, but I love Fragonard, Boucher & Cleland. Mozart's Don Giovanni is one big defence for the libertine etc. So I actually just see it as a pleasant element, the opposite of violence in art that is often seen as serious and exalted (Guernica for example).
Like to mention Félicien Rops and Shunga.
An erotic Belgian artist and Japanese artform.
Yes, I love both! Rops was actually a part in the late romantic emancipation, where the introverted almost solipsist romanticism somehow needed these brutal transgressions. Worshipping the unnatural, as if such a thing existed...
The complete opposite of Shunga actually. The Japanese natural philosophy of connectedness and spirits that derives from Shinto. Think of the weird Hokusai print with an intercourse between a woman and an octopus. So very matter of fact.