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RE: Collage of BTS Jhope | Comics | Fine Liner and Brush Pens Collage of drawings

in #ntopaz5 years ago

awww, thank youu so so much for your sweet words, I appreciate them wholeheartedly!! :) <3 <3 and I'm really happy this made you wanna listen to some of their songs. They are my biggest inspiration at the moment since a long time ago, their music, cinematography, story from their BU Universe, their personalities, them as artists, I truly am inspired every day by them, and I think that is obvious haha! Brush Pens are hard at first, but as you practice a lot they become really fun and quite easy to draw with :D


I'm really glad you have found this wonderful people as sources of inspiration and motivation to create :) You totally deserve all of it! I hope you keep on drawing and making art 💖

thank youu, and I'll always keep on drawing just what I love <3 :)