A piece I made last year.
The entire piece without the crop:
As much as I have a bit of an obsession with chairs I also am intrigued by sun rays and "starbursts" in art and photography.
I wanted this piece to use the light as both foreboding and as Hope.
We aren't sure if the figure is hiding from the "thing in the wood" or if she is oblivious to the ray of Hope at her back because she is blind to it by her own inward introspection.
Of course I love making art like this that has enough elements of Story that the viewer can sort of see what they want in it and might even feel differently about it depending on the day they are having.
I had hoped to share more of my new decorative animal pieces today, but alas I am not able to finish things as I would hope.
I believe I am beginning to see how MUCH I need my solitude to get any work done. I knew the move with friends would be different to my having run of an entire house and studio to myself, but I wasn't aware to how much I need the rhythm and pattern of having complete control of my whole day.
I am forever being pulled in the directions of 'do you want to go see this or that' ; 'Let's go check out this or that"'.And it is very hard to explain creative working to people who do not make their living from being creative. I think sometimes people think artists just float about in mindlessness picking daisies and then happily sitting down and out comes reams of work and inspiration. This is not true; and thus I am hopelessly behind.
Any working artist is going to tell you it is a Job and it needs structure and set hours without distraction.
I am finding this hard found in my current situation. I love my friends and over all we do stick to our own things, but I am longing to have two days together that I can completely rule myself with the decision of when to rise, when to walk, and when to go to shops. Of course I could say more about needing my own time, but I don't like to keep repeating myself and I honestly think those who are not in that boat of working artist just don't get it.
I don't wish today's post to be a pointless ramble about my own inability to set boundaries to get work done.
Yet, here I am another day without posting more new work and skipping yesterday for posting as well. I agree to go an on 'errand' day and by the end of it, I've done very little of it for my own errands and just become a passive passenger in the car, hoping to get home to get work done.
I cannot complain and I shall stop now.
I am more than happy to be in England in my current state, of having a fairly large house with a lovely garden to share. I love my room and our village, but I just need more time to get my things done. I believe when I have my own car here, it shall be different, though it will mean possibly finding a space out of the house to work, which in turn means more money spent. Ah well, the life of an artist.
Now, back to my reason for today's post.
I was looking through recent photos and past works today to see what I could 'curate' as a post. And I saw how many pictures of late I have been taking with sun rays and starbursts. As this time of the year in England the sun sets very low in the horizon most of the day, so we get wonderful long shadows and amazing bursts of light.
Having seen my painting I shared with the light rays I realized how moving these can be.
So, I'll share a few of these with you know.
This lovely shot was taken Christmas morning when I went for a solitary walk through our churchyard.
It was a frost filled morning and the light was magical.
There are so many opportunities for wonderful animal shots round here and this little ram always comes up to see me when I walk past this bit in the village square on the way to one of the tea rooms.
Sometimes the light rays mingled with the verdant fields and the blue sky whipped with candy floss clouds almost has the feel of an abstract painting. This particular one would be a great background for a painting.
Of course Ivan the dog often ends up in my photos and he is a wonderful model. I really hope to use this one, with my friend in the distance almost ominous in the light, as a part of one of my Singularity paintings. I have done some sketches of an idea using it already. There is endless inspiration around here, I just need the time for execution!
Of course Ivan again and this time my friend and he in one of our favourite coffee shops round here. I just thought the light was truly amazing and Ivan's inquisitive stare at his master is priceless.
Now I am back from our morning walk and hoping to get some work done.
Although I have a new local friend popping round later today, but we are also trying to hatch a little artist scheme around here, so it might lead to me having another creative outlet, we shall see.
I hope all of you have or find the time to get some creative work done. Or even an entire day to dictate your actions is sometimes all we need to feel refreshed and revitalized.
If you feel so inclined please upvote, resteem, and by all means comment below.
My Previous Post: A sketch for my next piece & laying out my last
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Your painting is so beautiful and I really love your great art concept @donnadavisart
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Lovely works, Donna. The painting has very bright and colourful palette.
And I understand your problem well, whenever my friends ask me what I'm doing, most of the times I could only answer as "drawing". They probably think I'm hiding something, but it's the truth.
Exactly, I think non artists think our studio time is just play (Which it can be but for a purpose) so they think you can just drop it whenever and pick it back up. Maybe some can, but I get a rhythm and don't like to lose it. I'll work it out.
Yeah! Setting boundaries is hard, specially since people find it very difficult to turn friends down, but it is also nice to have time for your own, just doing your own things.... I hope you will find some natural opportunity to do so, Donna (and soon!)
The picture is very nicely done <3 I love the colours and that lighting is so dramatic and wonderful !!!
Love the photos too :D
Thanks @veryspider It is hard as I genuinely love to hang out with my friends and were I 'retired' I'd happily just do that all day, but I don't like to seem as if I am not being 'part of the team', so I should just set a routine.
I had actually thought of making a schedule, like a work outside the home would have, to share with my friends so I might do that, only thing is I like to have flexibility in that as well, one of the perks of 'working from home'. I'll work it out.
I loved making this piece and when I was looking at it I thought, "This is so me now, conflicted" and was I not seeing the forest for the trees? Who can say. Thanks again.
Sorry I’m one of those floaty artists 🤣 the only reason I’ve had to implement a structure (which I loathe and don’t find ideal to work in) is because I have four other people to work around and it’s pretty much working in slightly less than ideal conditions or working if the stars align 🤣
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I had a feeling that artists with families and children probably do this all the time, but as I am normally pretty solitary ( @winstonalden being of like mind and often shut off in his office when home) that it is harder for me to adjust to the 'needs of others in the house'. But, because of that I am very much a schedule, list making kind of artist. I like to have a set time, start of the day that I get into the studio and work and play for a set time, tea breaks and all, then the rest of the day is mine. Unfortunately here, my friends like to get up and go first thing and that is when I would normally be doing my creative time, so yeah, it's an adjustment and I'm working on it :) I'm impressed with artists that can go with a flexible whenever schedule, I wish I could, but apparently I am finding that I cannot :/
so beautiful painting Donna , ..love that Sun Rays
First Off I love the photos they really highlight that light is only really impressive when it is misxed with Darks which is somehting we can also take into our thought son our life
Good luck with your meeting with the friend and I hope it does lead to another creative outlet for you
so nice information guys.
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That is a really great piece!..well executed and an interesting composition.