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RE: [CR] Runway

in #ntopaz6 years ago

Wonderful @vermillionfox I am glad you are out of your 'slump'. We all go through it. I learned a long time ago that with art for me, when I get in a mood or feel down and think about not doing art that day it usually leads to me feeling worse, so I try the least attempt at it as possible such as putting on a movie I love or music I like and sitting with a sketchpad and pencil and think "Meh, doesn't matter what I draw even a straight line' and then I find it always brings me back out of the blues I think it can be really theraputic, but it's different for everyone.

I love playing with the sprays and the graffiti spray can, I used that to 'tag' my own drawings in the past and it's fun and I like the effect. Have fun and welcome back to drawings! :)