bullshit, you are a fraud, those 3 first steps are just made up to make it look you did it from scratch, in reality the 4th step is the real 1st step, and its a perfect overlay of the photo coincidentally, its traced.
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so, what do you think should i have done that would make you feel that i am not a fraud. so, you want me to paint in a way so they don't look like the ref photo? you want me to intentionally mess up proportions so your statement becomes the truth? is that it?
and, are you also imposing that every artist out there who can create exact replicas, are actually fraud? you are saying that no one has got any talent?
No Im not saying that, im saying what I just said, that YOU are a fraud, and that the 3 first steps are fabricated, and that the 4th is traced. have a great day.
have a great day? you are calling me a fraud and you think i will have a great day?
according to you, all my favorite artist just became frauds..... may be you can drop by to some y channels and instagram of wei, humid peach, proko etc and tell them what a fraud they are.......
Next time i will try to paint a portrait with one cricket eye and overly large jaw.... hope that will make you happy. since it has just become my job.