Hello, friends! A significant date is approaching - 1st Anniversary of @Ntopaz on 16th July 2019. I am sure that this day will be a lot of gifts and congratulations. Because the project has managed to bring together so many talented people, giving us all so much support and attention, helping to make the work of participants in different genres of art more visible. I also want to congratulate the project on this date and wish everyone success and prosperity. My great gratitude and congratulations to the organizers and sponsors who were able to bring this project to such a significant level.
You guys did great! And indeed the quote "Shine your light" fully reflects the essence and direction of the idea that people can come to show and Express their talents here.
My drawing today was made specifically for this date. I identify this lighthouse with the @Ntopaz project , which also makes the right direction visible and helps to find the right way :))
In the photo I took while traveling, You can see this wooden lighthouse , which served as a prototype for my drawing. It is located in the fortress city of Kronstadt on the island of Kotlin. The date of its construction is 1722. The height of the lighthouse is 40 meters. Today, the lighthouse continues to operate, although officially it is in reserve . Light from the top of the lighthouse can be seen from a distance of 30 kilometers.
I used watercolor paper (A3, 300 g), synthetic round brushes № 1, 3, 5 and 7, a palette of watercolor paints, a graphic pencil and a soft eraser.
Muy hermoso dibujo amigo, es importante mostrar experiencias vividas que dejan los viajes, me encantó tu arte y sobre todo ese farol bien iluminado ya que ellos sirven de guía a los barcos para que no encalle o choquen en la oscuridad, los colores cálidos que utilizaste me gustaron así hace que la pintura se vea más tierna, excelente técnica, te felicito. Saludos
Gracias por un comentario tan bueno. @ daysiselena . Me alegro de que te haya gustado la trama de mi dibujo y los colores que he elegido para este trabajo. Me alegra que hayas encontrado tiempo para visitar mi blog :))
Greetings @madlenfox, yes, you're right, and it's very close to the day, we're all celebrating that day since ntopaz is from us the artists, a great project that brings together and continues to search for great talents inside and outside of the Steem blockchain, so it's not long before we're all happy and celebrating together with this great project. <3 <3 <3
About your painting, this incredible!!!... I love the colors, depth and that great lighthouse guiding, a great composition. ;)
[nTopaz Curator]
This comment from the curator is for information and encouragement. The upvotes from nTopaz and rankings are based on the popularity of your art work when posted to the nTopaz platform.Hi Marina, I don’t know what to say, your painting got me out of words: perspective, proportions, depth, colours, light, shape... you definitely have chosen the path to make your dreams real.
I must admit you’re also plenty of good ideas which is an important ingredient when making art.
Well done!!
Keep on, keep on, keep on!
My best wishes for your week, hugs’n love 💗
Me da gusto regresar a esta tu casa y volver a darte un fuerte abrazo, lleno de emoción y energía renovada, te comparto también la alegría que ahora me embarga en estos momentos que también recupero mi alma. Te comparto también de esas alegrías que con este niño me estoy pasando y disfrutando y te deseo siempre de ese buen viento y luz que ilumine tu camino. Es un gusto visitarte de nuevo, y por aquí nos seguiremos encontrando. Siempre para ti lo más bueno!!!
Oh, My God! It's incredible! I'm so glad to see this message from You, my friend! It's amazing that You're here again. These long 7 months it seems has felt like an eternity. I checked your blog over and over, but with no result.
This is very good news and I'm glad to see You with Your son. I can imagine the feelings that filled You at the moment of this meeting, which You have been waiting for too long. It is a great joy! Sometimes we can not change or affect some of the events that occur in our lives, but if there is even the slightest chance, it is necessary to fight. You were able to overcome various obstacles and I am glad with You.
@leveuf, I am grateful for Your support that You have given me all these months and now I am glad that we will see each other more often. I hope to see so many interesting posts from You. Today is a really good day :)). I wish You success! Hugs. :))
I'm just about to cry but with those tears of joy for all you've said to me, and all your love, knowing that you were which such attention to my space while I was missing. I occasionally visited Steemit trying to find the courage to express my self, but I suppose it wasn't the right time, however I visited your blog each time, always admired of your hard work and the beauty of your posts. I'm sorry now for not leave you at least a friendly comment. It will never happen again my Dear Friend. This return of mine I'll try to make it for all the time I can get in life.
You are right about all the emotions of the reencounter with my son, I think is the greater experience I´ve lived, and there's no words to describe the greatness of this light. Just to share with you the happiness and hope that I'm living today.
Always Love and Light!!! <3 <3 <3 Much more hugs for you @MadlenFox, and I wish you only the most wonderful and beautiful things in life.
Am really curious of Ntopaz, specially that I love arts.
How can I join? Will definitely gonna check it out later.
That’s a wonderful painting of wooden lighthouse Madlen plus a very interesting history!
Thank you! I enjoyed reading something new ♥️
If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask, I will answer with pleasure :))
Thank you for finding my drawing and story interesting. I am always glad to Your visit!Hi, @joyrobinson ! It's cool that You also decided to join this project . It's very simple: You can follow the blog @ntopaz; there is a website where You can post Your works in different genres of art and take part in various competitions - https://ntopaz.com/ and , also, You can join the channel https://discord.gg/bycktuE
Beautiful artwork of the lighthouse with gorgeous light! The colors of sunlight in the sky and the reflection of them on the water are very magnificent. Well done! ;)
Thank you, @tangmo ! So far it's only in my imagination, but I hope that someday I will be able to draw it in the open air :))
Твой рисунок маяка мне очень понравился, Мариночка!
Желаю тебе новых творческих достижений и успехов, дорогая!
I really liked your drawing of the lighthouse, Marinochka!
I wish you new creative achievements and success, dear @madlenfox !
Спасибо, Светлана! Всегда приятно слышать добрые слова и пожелания. Спасибо что не забываешь :)). Я совсем потерялась с моим обучением. Желаю тебе приятных выходных .
Lindo dibujo
Posted using Partiko Android
@tellodavid, Gracias!
Beautifully done, @madlenfox, and I am so glad you showed us the real thing too.
I am also in nTopaz. I just found it and love it. What a great place for steem artists to post.
Oh,Yes! I am also very glad that I was shown this place. It is very good that we all see so many talented people in this project. It's always nice to learn from more experienced artists. Thanks for stopping by, @fitinfun
Thank you madlenfox! You've just received an upvote of 38% by artturtle!
Learn how I will upvote each and every one of your posts
Please come visit me to see my daily report detailing my current upvote power and how much I'm currently upvoting.
WOW what an awesome drawing and so apt for this significant date for nTopaz, I still have not checked it out I really must do that
Wonderful painting. Are your colored pencils also water solvent? If so, you can use them and then "wash" over them for watercolor effects with colored pencils. I recommend you use artboard or stretched watercolor paper, though, rather than a drawing.
Hi! Yes, my watercolor pencils can be washed away with water for a watercolor effect. But I have until only minimal set of 6 flowers. I think it's too little and yet only used them once. You are right that it is better to stretch the paper on the tablet. I plan to buy them soon. I already have a list of necessary materials for drawing and painting. But it is not possible to buy it all at once and I do it gradually. We have a lot of shops for professional artists and some consumables there are expensive, but I still strive to buy them. Thank you for taking the time to visit, @momzillanc !
To stretch the watercolor paper, you'll want to invest in a good stapler-gun, a lever-style staple remover, and wide drafting tape. I also recommend at least a 24x36-inch wooden board of at least 1/4-inch thickness (1/2-inch is better).
A lovely painting of the lighthouse my friend.
Blessings! I am still struggling to post in #nTOPAZ, but will eventually sort it out!
Maybe I can do something to help You to understand how to place Your message? I will be glad to help than I can :) Thank you for visiting,@papilloncharity
beautiful painting @madlenfox good work..