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RE: .

in #ntopaz6 years ago

That does have a bit of an art noveau feel to it :) And it does look nice and crisp and almost-vectory (think the only place you slipped a bit was in th thick part of the vine at the base of the bust, otherwise you pretty much pulled it off XD).

Yay for it cooling down a bit over there :) This morning when I finally dragged myself out of bed it was feeling kind of warmish so I checked the temps, apparently going to be 38C today so the aircon went on and guinea pig will be getting an ice bottle in his hutch. Be perfect beach weather today if I wasn't so blergh XD


Thanks for the observation about the art :D.
38 degree... and you want to go to the beach? Are you nuts! I would have hidden myself away from the sun like a vampire XD.

Perfect beach weather! XD

Well in the morning anyway, towards when it's actually getting to the max temp everyone should hide away from the sun like a vampire so they don't shrivel up XD

And of course today forecast is 33 and showers (it claims 0% chance of rain in my area so the rain I heard before I hauled my carcass out of bed was clearly something else ;D)