ELVES ARE SO AWESOME THOUGH~ I totally watched the Hobbit trilogy just for the elves omg pls dont tell other people my dark secrets XD XD XD
Lets be secret fwens, @melissamyra * ___ *
ELVES ARE SO AWESOME THOUGH~ I totally watched the Hobbit trilogy just for the elves omg pls dont tell other people my dark secrets XD XD XD
Lets be secret fwens, @melissamyra * ___ *
Lmao. Your secret’s safe with me 😉 i recently started watching the chronicles of shannara because- well, elves 😂 it’s so bad though but so addicting
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OMG I WATCHED !! i waaaaaaatttched that! it was so bad XD XD but but ELVES * ___ * O YES i am here for the elves \o/
.... you are making me want to draw elves oh no!!! my secret will be out /o\