What a charming illustration, @veta-less :) I really like the idea, the girl seems to be communicating with the butterflies because you place her to one side of the canvas, and the butterflies at the opposite end :) I like the colours you've put here as well, specially the way you use corresponding colours as background splash that echoes the butterflies' colours :D
The butterflies that are caught in the bubbles seem to be the ones she's communicating with, and I like that she has antennae! It makes her seem like she's also one of the butterflies (only in humanoid form) :D
I hope you will continue to proceed with your digital art <3 I think you are improving with each picture <3 <3 <3
Thank you dear @veryspider you are right - the girl communicates with butterflies, but she herself is also a butterfly)) It's true - my doll has butterfly wings)))