Lady Lavender's so sweet! You are very brave if you try to paint people with watercolor! I'm still afraid to paint portraits of people with watercolors )))
Step-by-step fixation of the process is difficult for all artists, I think. Now, when I tried digital painting, I realized how cool it is to save individual layers as stages.. When I paint watercolors, I constantly try to distract and photograph the's very distracting.
Yes! Even for digital, I don't really like to stop and move to the next layer when I'm painting. It's much easier to do when I'm still in the sketch process, but when I'm putting the colours, it's like a continuous artistic flow for me. I'm so glad that you understand :D.
The moment I painted her skin, I know I miss my Undo button very much hahaha. But I've got great encouragement so I marched on. I think it's important for me to accept that mistakes are unavoidable, and I need to be able to move on and show them, warts and all.
Thank you Veta :).
We learn and can make mistakes:)) I can give you a friendly advice?
I do not know what kind of watercolor paper you have, but when I started to paint with watercolor, I bought an expensive paper 100% cotton Satin (I use Canson Moulin Du Roy). This smooth paper and cotton can be wetted several times with water. It gives a chance to correct mistakes...) And I still have not tried to paint on paper with cellulose. This is more difficult because this kind of paper is not washed with water.
In my watercolor pictures that you saw, there are places that are washed away by water (and my tears ahahaha) and painted again. Sometimes when the picture is not correct, I washed it with water completely, dried and painted on the other side. But one thing is for you to let cotton paper.
Ahhh!! This is great advice, and of course you can give any advice to me at any time (about anything lol). I will definitely take more care with the paper the next time I buy art supplies.
Thank you Veta, I appreciate your advice a lot. I think artist who offers good advices are generous :).