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RE: Secrets of Nuclear Power

in #nuclear8 years ago

Nuclear can get as terribly bad as it could get. Anyone in possession of Nuclear rods fills so powerful. but the thing about power is that it is like a drop of sand in the hand, the more you hold it, the more it leaves your hand. North Korea maybe feeling a treat now because of their nuclear agenda. The truth is the world is not secured since the discovery of Nuclear Technology and its shameful the message of "Atoms for Peace" have not entered the hearts of the worlds so called power nations who play with nuclear materials to intimidate the growing countries. but someday it will become an even treat to themselves. #Peace!


It is true and it seems some in the military have forgotten than nobody wins a nuclear war. With so many defense scientists and rocketeers convinced that newer better weapons will mean that the US could "win" a nuclear exchange, we are pulling closer to the brink of ending life on earth. Some lessons are never really learnt.

We should be thankful that cool heads still prevail, and there are those who still write to debunk these crazy ideas of a winnable nuclear exchange. These concepts should go into the some dustbin of history as other notoriously bad ideas like mutually assured destruction, and one world government, but they assuredly perhaps due to our human foibles, they are not.

If anyone still needs any repeat of the message: lets have a message from the russian president about what he thinks of a winnable nuclear war. Unless winning is to commit assisted suicide.