The Nuclear Hoax: Ararcho-Capitalism's Emerging Implications

in #nuclear8 years ago

 The previous steemit blog post The Nuclear Hoax: Some Reasons Why I Don't Believe Nuclear Weapons Exist gives background on various reasons and evidences against the existence of nuclear weapons.  This might seem like an unlikely topic for extending liberty and abolishing poverty, but it is a topic that, just like the implications for the arrival of the latest cryptocurrency, should have profound implications for the future of our world.
 I propose that the Manhattan Project did not produce a nuclear bomb and that the historical bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were done with conventional weapons.  I propose that what has been pawned off as a kind of special and unique technology was an elaborate hoax—a big lie that couldn't be stopped, because stopping it would have certain implications not tenable to those involved with the hoax.  I propose that the supposedly avowed enemies of the US and Soviet Union aided and abetted each other to prop up their power and that the claims for there being nuclear standoff during Cold War is a fraud.   
 I believe in peace.  I don't believe in doing bad things in the name of producing good.  I am against the use of bombs of any kind against human life.  Have you ever noticed how whenever the subject of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki come up in the news, the recurring question keeps being asked, “Were we justified in using the atomic bomb?”  No one asks if it was justified to firebomb the previous 66 Japanese cities.  So much attention is given to this one question year after year after year as if that is the only question that needs to be asked. This is a part of a consorted effort to keep one question from being asked deep inside the many layers of questions.  That question is, “Was there ever even such a thing as an atomic bomb?”  I say that here is no convincing evidence and that, in fact, certain indispensable elements of the historical narrative are missing.
 Let us consider that the Manhattan Project spent enormous amounts of money to produce an improbable technology that could not actually deliver the goods. A bomb that doesn't explode is a dud and that is what the military and Hollywood had to deal with.  No one would suspect the lie of the century from the great moral pillar of the civilized world.  Just firebomb the cities, add a magnesium bombs for the flash and a few carefully placed conventional bombs with uranium in them for radiation, and no one would be the wiser.  Special explosions with rapidly rising heat would produce what would be claimed to be hallmark mushroom clouds.   
 What if there never was an atomic bomb?  What if the lie just kept growing  beyond measure?  One power bluffing the other until they just get tired of it all and decide to change subjects?  The arms race just puttered out—no accidental atomic bombings, no terrorists or rogue nations attacking with the bomb—just nothing, nothing except the civilian population left with all the baggage.  And what is that baggage?  We have been left with a deep seated consciousness that the government can achieve anything with just enough of OUR money thrown at a problem.  That IS the problem and the legacy of the nuclear hoax.  Any monumental, destructive or manipulative technology that they can imagine can be funded on our backs. Just throw in enough fear, intimidation, or patriotism.   
 With the nuclear hoax comes the state hoax, that the state is the power and the glory forever and ever, amen.  With the bogus threat of mutually assured destruction also came the fear and the dread of apocalyptic holocaust.  A god of wrath was no longer in heaven, but on the throne on earth, and we all had to pay for it.  We are still paying for the arms race and the space race and the Cold War in with our money and our psyche.    
 Now, since we are able to probe and investigate and piece together the keys to the deceptions of the past, we now have the power to question the very improbable and impossible claims of those who use power against us and against our consent to oppress us.  They have spent so much and borrowed so much against the collateral of a tower of lies, that the bubble has to burst sooner or later.   
 There is no doomsday device.  There is no impending man-made Apocalypse.  We must now rise to do the work of mending the world and drying the tears.  We shall throw off the lies that bind us to their domination over us.  We will rule our own spirits and have no need to be ruled by deceivers.  We will take the resources of this earth and carefully and lovingly grow value and exchange value.  We will evade the flawed “authority” based on elaborate economic and militaristic hoaxes.  We will, with each other's determination and skills, build a more prosperous tomorrow.