November 11, 2018 And The Master Number 11 - The Numerology Of The Elites

in #numerology7 years ago (edited)


In this article I look at the numerology of the number 11 and how that ties into the year 2018. I play a little bit with astrology and look at some history as well. This article is for entertainment as I have no idea what might happen on November 11 this year - or any other day in the future.

Significance of the Number 11

11, 22 or 33 they are interpreted as Master Numbers which are much more powerful.After stumbling over a post by @positivesynergy mentioning the day November 11, 2018 as a triple Master Number 11 day I have started to read into that matter myself. In Numerology you count the numbers of the day to a single digit by adding them up and each number has a certain meaning. However, if the result is

The significance of the Master Number 11 is interpreted with qualities of intuition, patience, honesty, sensitivity, and spirituality. It is the duality of 1 and 2 (1+1), the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine in one single number. It is the succession of the perfect number ten to go beyond its limitations. There is a satanic fascination with 11 as it represents the next step after transcendence (or god). I even found a quote saying "Eleven brings the gift of spiritual inheritance, is gifted as the "Light-Bearer".

The Number 11 And 9/11

I suggest watching the previous priest of the Satanic Church, Mark Passio, talking about Chaos Sorcery of 9/11. The talk is not about the number 11 alone but all the numerology and symbology that went into that event. Significant for this article is to look at the symboloy used in Kabbalah, Tarot and Freemasonry and how it reflects to the Twin Towers.


Just like the number 1 and 2, the left column represents the sacred masculine and the right culumn represents the sacred femine. The center column is the balance between the two which we have to pass to reach the spiritual crown. By bringing down World Trade Center 1, 2 and particularly 7 - the infamous third tower that came down that day under suspecious circumstances - the chaos sorcery enfolded symbolically the destruction of the sacred masculine and feminine together with our spiritual path to enlightenment.

A Few Facts Related To 9/11 And The Master Number 11

Here are a few interesting facts in relation to 9/11 and other potential false-flag attacks which all come back to the 11. You should not give any of them too much significance but in the sum they paint an interesting picture. A common criticism of Numerology is that if you start looking for numbers you will find them. But decide for yourself after looking at the following list which is by far not complete:

  • The Twin Towers resemble the spiritual twin pillars - which form a gigantic 11
  • 9/11 adds up to 11 (9+1+1=11)
  • New York City has 11 letters
  • Afghanistan has 11 letters
  • George W Bush has 11 letters
  • New York City was the 11th state joining the US
  • Flight number 11 was the first plane to crash into the Twin Towers
  • Flight number 11 had 92 passengers (9+2=11)
  • Flight 77 struck the other Twin Tower had 65 passengers (6+5=11)
  • September 11th is the 254th day of the year (2+5+4=11)
  • The Madrid bombing happened on March 11th, 2004 (3+1+1+2+4=11)
  • The Madrid bombing happened 911 days after the Twin Tower attacks
  • Osama Bin Laden was killed on May 2nd 2011 (5+2+2+1+1=11)

2018 Is A Master Number 11 Year

As the numbers 2+0+1+8 add up to 11 we are facing an entire year of master number 11 days. The last time this happened was 1902 and the next time it happens will be in 2027. Many of us crypto nerds have heard the story of the Rothschild owned The Economist magazine cover from 1988 predicting a world currency for 2018.


This ties in perfectly with the planet Uranus moving into the sign of Taurus in 2018. Uranus takes 84 years for a full circle in the Zodiac and the last time it entered Taurus was in 1933. This symbolizes a drastic change for finances, money, currency, internet and technology. It should be mentioned that Uranus will leave Taurus again after a brief stay of a few months and moves retrograde back into the sign of Aries for two more months until it finally leaves that energy for good and returns to Taurus in February 2019 where it stays until 2026. It re-enters Aries on November 7th, 2018 - just four days before 11-11-11.

11-11-11 - 100 Years After The End Of World War I

In the US they call it Veterans Day - but on November 11th, 2018 the entire world will celebrate the end of the First World War, also called The Great War. It was at "the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" that the armistice was signed by the war parties. The triple 11 or 33 is of particular significance as it represents the highest degree in freemasonry and the end of the ascension path to enlightenment. Hence the "eleventh hour" of the armistice to make the triple complete as 1918 does not add up to 11 - unlike 2018.

On November 11th, 2018 we will get a perfect 11-11-11 day - exactly 100 years after the end of The Great War. This combination is fascinating and does sound like a powerful energy to use or abuse. A second 11-11-11 day will be two weeks later at November 29th, 2018 but that one seems to be of less significance as it does not have the same historic ties. Either way, both days are certainly something to watch out for.

What could this all mean? The elites seem to enjoy to play with these powerful energies to invoke their chaos sorcery. Maybe we see the collapse of the old financial system and the establishing of a world currency. Maybe we see yet another horrible false-flag event that leads to something big on the political landscape. Or maybe it will be a totally normal day that will be forgotten quicker than it came. Only time will tell.


Excellent work my friends and yes I concur .. the elites are fascinated by the energetic properties of dates/numbers. The vast majority of ancient ceremonies utilised this knowledge and indeed as an aside to your own observations these ancient dates/numbers appear to have also been used during the first Iraq war.

March 20th – 21st : Shock and awe, within occultic terminology this date is known as the eve of Ostara . On this date occultists and indeed Pagans worship the earth goddess (gaia). The feast day is held on the 20th and the ritual itself is carried out on the 21st. The purpose of the ritual is to give blood to the earth and renew the life of the goddess and fertility (the illuminated put a sick spin on this).

March 20th 2003: Is the fullness and fruition of the occultic Mars ingress

March 20th 2003: Was exactly 555 days after the 911 attacks. Occultists believe 5 to be the number of death, this number in triplicate equates to highest death.

March 17th – 19th 2003: The 48 hour ultimatum given to Saddam Hussein ran parallel to the Jewish holiday Purim.

May 1st 2003: The final day of war, this is the 2nd most important date in the Satanic calendar. The date is known as Beltane and has historical association with human sacrifice. It's important to note that Beltane is not just a satantic date, remember it's the energetic properties so the date is also associated with Paganism etc etc.

May 1st 2003: Not only the 2nd and most powerful day of Beltane but also the 13th day of the annual Blood sacrifice to the beast.

Thank you for my write up and recommendation to @tribesteemup I really appreciate it and I'm so happy to be part of the community!

Great infos, thanks for that. I was thinking about you while writing this article. And yes, I am very happy you were accepted to TSU and we are now in the same amazing community. :)

Thanks .. I'm so happy to be part of the community, I've had a couple of darker technology related posts recently so I'm very glad to be accepted .. every post I write is a single piece in a bigger jigsaw puzzle, an analogy of our travel from darkness to light, indeed to transcend the darkness we must first understand it, understand why it is there and thus eventually help people balance it, for duality is the nature of our reality .. well at least for now ;) .. we're being pushed towards a fork in the road and it's imperative we make the right decision. That said, for the second part of this year I had always intended to focus upon the nature of reality and consciousness .. plus I was already working on an idea for a weekly quiz with a very positive focus and so the timing is absolutely perfect! Thanks again @flauwy

That quiz sounds very interesting. Let me know about it and I see that I can promote it somehow.

Thank you my friend, I should have it all finalised by next week and it should be live by Friday so I will certainly be in touch .. thanks again. It's so important that we also focus upon the positive and I really understand and respect what @tribesteemup are trying to do .. it's important that we wake people up .. but it must be done in the right way .. the steady drip of constant negativity actually allows the manipulators to manifest their intent through our subconscious acceptance of the way things are. Writing about it is a balancing act and I'm hoping to at least attempt to bring some balance .. whether it works is another thing, but my own good intent is there. :)

You are right, the information has to be presented in a positive light or we just feed these energies. To be honest, I feel like I am this kind and gentle person waking up on one hand and the subconsciously mind-controlled bundle of anger and fear. It is hard to overcome the past and the associations that are making up my thought patterns. A life-long task, I assume.

That is the path of true enlightenment my friend and it shows you're on the right road, it's hard as it has to be worked for and worked through .. it doesn't come easy and it shouldn't come easy, but from the pain of both physical and metaphysical birth, we obtain profound beauty and wonder. Equally, our individual struggles are indicative of the macro struggle for balance that humanity currently faces.

We all need to find a way to let go and let our path guide us .. equally the construct of society seeks to subvert us from this path. There are a million voices telling us that it's this way or that way but in many ways an enlightenment is more about unlearning than learning, it's about knowing and listening to inner wisdom. At it's most simplistic (and complex) core the nature of reality is a play of energy .. it waxes and wanes and the night gives birth to the chorus of dawn. Duality is the lifeblood of the universe, the difference is we are each given a choice, light/dark .. your choice has been made and there is a strength to be derived from that, there is also a strength to be derived from the light you bring to other peoples lives. If you ever need a different perspective .. you know where I am my brother.

Great post, @flauwy! Thanks for the mention. I like the

11-11-11 - 100 Years After The End Of World War I

I went more in depth on the Master 11 and 9-11 in my second comment on your first post of The Economist magazine.

This is one of the BEST blogs I've read in a long time. I've been hearing a lot about something happening this November as well. You definitely seem to be unto something here ... I just hope whatever happens that it's beneficial to the "good team" and a huge detriment to the others ...

I applaud you for such an intriguing post.

Thanks for the compliment. These energies - if you believe in them - are neutral and can be used for both good and bad. Whatever happens, we need to stay strong and focused and open our hearts for love. Maybe this is nothing but the urgency of our time in general asks for healing ourselves first in order to change the world.

Wow, I didn't hear about this before, went googling after (about a possible new world currency.) Interesting topic

Yes, it is super fascinating. Interestingly I haven't found much about that date. I was assuming that there is a whole conspiracy section for that but so far this runs under the radar. Either way, 2018 is probably very memorable in the long run.

I am also always very aware when 11.11 appears.. and read several things about it.. even about the 9/11 twin tower accident that (imo) cant be accidental.. as these numbers appear in so many (if not every) big event (or attack/ accident etc) in the world... the elite really seem to use the numerology .. You got my attention so a new follower..

Great, I am glad you found some value in this. It is an interesting topic and few people talk about it.

True.. I always like when people notice these numbers too. My birthdate counts 33 (/3=11) lol

Wow, that's powerful stuff. You should read into that.

Great post - very informative - It seems that numbers control the universe, or are at least the framework. quote-geometry-will-draw-the-soul-toward-truth-and-create-the-spirit-of-philosophy-plato-81-67-16.jpg