Just Another Day in the Life of a Nurse

in #nursing8 years ago

Hello again fellow Steemians.  It is great to be back, I'm coming to you now off the heels of an exhausting two nights of work at a small rural hospital.  As I sit here with achy feet and a sore back contemplating why I continue on this path, I am reminded of story that is instrumental in my career.  

If you ask any nurse I assure you that they can tell you their one story about that one patient that is so memorable they will surely take it to their grave.  Whether that story be a sad one that pulls at the heart-strings or a funny one that makes them laugh for days or just a heartfelt sweet one.  Memorable nursing stories come in all shapes and sizes and mine is no different.   My story came about a year ago in the form of a patient that routinely comes into the hospital for alcohol withdrawal and detox of other substances.  As we, the nurses, play an adult-like game of eenie meenie minie mo to determine who will receive the patient we typically unite and work together as we never know this time around if the patient will be passed out cold or trying to punch us in the jaw.  

This night in particular the patient was assigned to a male co-worker of mine.  As the night passed relatively uneventful (good thing), it was probably around 03:00 when my weary-eyed and caffeine depleted self heard a bit of commotion coming from the room.  I jolt up in a state of panic and run that way not knowing what to expect.  When I open the door and pull back the curtain I see my co-worker holding the patient in bed by the ankles while patient has their entire upper torso flipped over the railing of the opposite side of the bed flailing and waving their arms around.  

My first mental response:


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And my second:

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What struck me about the whole thing was how calm and collected my co-worker was.  When he heard me open the door he nonchalantly turned his head around to me and said 

" Hey can you bring me some Ativan"?  RN, Anywhere USA

As I ran to get the medication I was taken aback at what I had just witnessed.  Kind of falls into the 'things you don't see everyday as an ICU nurse category.   After successfully administering the medication, the patient was able to cam down and get back into the bed and the rest of the evening fared out again uneventfully.  

To this day my co-worker and I laugh until we cry when talk about that night.  I have been a nurse for going on 9 years (4 of those years being ICU specialty) and so in my career this night takes the cake for most outrageous patient story award!  Mainly just due to the visual effects of the whole thing as it's not uncommon at all to see aggressive, confused, and combative patients.  It is highly unusual though to see them being held in bed by the ankles to prevent the from face-planting the floor.   

Note- I have taken care to not violate any privacy laws by not giving any patient identifying information or location.  A Nurses Guide to the Use of Social Media

Thanks for Reading

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That's a crazy night, but funny.