The Digestive System Complex

in #nutrition7 years ago

Hello friends, I hope everyone is well.

Today I want to talk a little about the digestive system, Nutrition study and I have to admit that when I enrolled in this career I was not very excited, the truth is that I had never thought about studying that. But as time went by I liked it more and more and the first time we studied the Anatomy and Physiology of the digestive system I was totally in love with the career. So I decided to dedicate some publications to talk about the complexity of this system.

The Digestive Apparatus is actually a tube, composed of Organs in charge of transforming the food we eat into simpler substances so that they can be absorbed by the cells, this process is known as Digestion. The Organs that make up the Digestive System are: the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, large and small intestine. We also have glands known as attachments, which are involved in digestion. These are: the salivary glands, the pancreas, liver and gallbladder.


Have you ever heard of the Enteric Nervous System?

If you have not heard, do not worry, you are not the only ones. Apparently this nervous system has not been given much importance, so perhaps it is one of the most unknown systems. But it is very interesting that, the digestive system is controlled by the Enteric Nervous System (SNE), its function is vital for the proper development of digestion. This system is so complex that it is even known as the Second Brain, because it is made up of an extensive network of neurons, ganglia, cells and nerve fibers. Located mainly in the belly. Although the SNE is always in communication with the brain, it is autonomous, that is; it works independently of the brain.


Sometimes we hear that digestion is a process that is done automatically. But the truth is that everything is calculated and controlled strictly by the SNE. This system is like a supervisor. It ensures that everything works correctly in the digestion. Controls the muscular movements of the digestive system to function as a food conveyor, controlling the intensity of these movements as necessary. It measures the acidity and defines what digestive enzymes are needed to break down every food we eat and then stimulates the secretion of those necessary enzymes.

The Enteric Nervous System, is also closely related to the immune system, supervises each of the meals we eat and if at any time contaminated food enters the body the SNE activates the immune system, to expel pathogens from our organism.

Do you know why sometimes when we are stressed or depressed we want to eat?

Well, I tell you that when we eat something super rich, the SNE feels happy and sends happy signals to the brain. Causing a chain reaction that makes us feel better. And if what we consume is chocolate, our nervous system feels even happier 😁. But then I will explain why. The truth is that if you are a man and your wife or girlfriend is upset with you, go and give her a chocolate so she is happy 😂


The SNE is responsible that, when we receive bad news, we are anxious or nervous, we feel knots in the stomach or nausea. He is also responsible for those butterflies that, according to what they have told me, they feel in their stomachs when they are in love.

Another thing that can help a good digestion is laughter. (I'm not saying we should laugh while we eat, that could be dangerous). What if it is proven, is that if we have good humor and laugh in a healthy way it is as if we gave massages to our organs helping the liver to increase the production of bile (fluid that intervenes in the digestion), the nervous system feels more relaxed , the small intestine works better and the large intestine excretes fecal matter more easily.

Interesting data

  • From the mouth to the anus, the digestive tube measures about eleven meters in length.
  • The Enteric Nervous System (SNE) is the only part of the body that can ignore a message that comes from the brain.

The next time you go to eat, remember that your body is about to begin a complex process of supervision, analysis, communication and coordination to digest food. So, be comfortable, relax and enjoy your meal, so that this process is carried out in the best possible way.

Thanks everyone for reading, see you soon.😘 💋



Very interesting info, that to be fair I never read about, glad to find it here, and in a easy going way :)

Hello, it's good that you liked it. Thank you for reading.