Healthy Eating Isn't Magic

in #nutrition5 days ago

A lot of people seem to act like nutrition and diet is "magic". As if, as long as you eat right, and exercise, you'll remain healthy. This is particularly annoying to me lately, but I can tell you, is entirely false, and always has been. Healthy diet and nutrition isn't magic. It isn't enough. It's important, but not magic.

I've tried to maintain a healthy diet for decades, including eating vitamins, and I've still gotten sick and had issues. Because that happens. That's the way of things.

People also discount supplements, including basic vitamins and minerals, acting like as long as you eat a healthy balanced diet, that's enough. This is also false. It is exceedingly difficult to get the proper amount of many vitamins and minerals to remain in top condition with most people's diets. Even just the basics, including magnesium, can help to alleviate muscle soreness and improve muscle growth, for example. But I digress, that's not what this post is about.

Diet is important, but not magic. Various diets are great for nutrition and maintaining health. If you eat a crappy diet, it can affect your health. But so can many things. Eating a cupcake or a even a burger or whatever occasionally, as long as you don't do it in excess, isn't going to make most people sick. That's likely something else. (Unless you have another issue, like a mast cell issue or gluten intolerance or allergy or something.)

There are so many things that can help to maintain a good diet. Chick peas and Mediterranean diets. Salads and not eating in excess. (As long as you also don't use a ton of heavy dressing.) These things are good. But not magic.

You have to consider your daily meals in respect to your overall diet and ensure you eat enough veggies, protein (INCLUDING BEANS AND LEGUMES), fruit, grains, etc. Even fats. Without excess. But it's not magic. And it's also not necessarily worth obsessing over.

Eating a fatty burger or steak every night isn't good. For many reasons. But it's also not necessarily as bad as some other things people choose to do. It's important to not eat such things in excess. It's important to balance your diet. It's important, but not magic.

At this point I'm just repeating myself. But I hear the things about nutrition and acting like it's going to keep you healthy every day, and it's annoying as hell.

Everything in balance. Food/nutrition. Exercise. Healthy living. They are daily activities in our life. But they won't protect you if you go and drink contaminated water or skirt protections when around disease.

Everything in balance.

Don't feel like you can't ever "indulge", but don't live in excess. The every day choices matter far more than the occasional indulgence.

A vegetable stall at Borough Market in London, UK
Photo by Jack Gavigan 28 November 2009 (Source)
Used under License


I really liked the phrase, which says, Diet is important, but not magic and you are absolutely right in fact for the diet to really work it is a compendium of things that together with healthy eating will make you healthier.

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