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RE: What's really going on in the world? The same thing that happened in Germany long ago...

in #nwo4 years ago

While its true that a number of factors made the rise of Hitler possible - like incompetent politicians in the Weimarer Republik causing poverty and the desire for change - it doesn't change the fact that he was a loonatic. This gets more and more evident over time, especially after the beginning of the war.
And its worrying to see, how history tends to repeat itself and how little some people have learned from the past.


Well, I used to believe he was a lunatic... but the more I see the more I am convinced that Hitler was actually correct. Sure, not all of his policies were correct in my mind but as this documentation shows clearly (and many other records indicate) it may well be that we (the united states) entered the wrong side of that war. There is a reason so many other nations joined Germany... and it isn't because Hitler was a racist lunatic. That said, I agree about history repeating itself. I would happen less if knowledge wasn't twisted and suppressed.

Well, its complicated. At the end of the day, success determines who is right or wrong. And from that angle, the US were right. Without WW2 they wound not be in the role they have now (for how much longer is another question).
Btw., I didn't mean to say Hitler was stupid. But he (and the inner circle of the Nazi party) was delusional about a number of things. The whole race thing drifted off into a kind of religion, that made them think they can't possibly fail, because they are superior to other people. And especially Hitler believed more and more that everything he orders will happen. Because it was him who ordered it, and he is never wrong. Well, that didn't work out, as we have seen.

I agree that it is complicated. Success only determines who writes the history, not who is right or wrong... and the more I look into it the more firmly I am convinced that the united states joined the wrong side. The state of the world today makes that even clearer in my eyes.

As for being racist accounts from many people during that time (including some jews that lived in germany) state otherwise. He was for racial purity... but that, by itself, does not make one a racist.

Were it not for those pulling the strings (zionists and communists primarily) they would be painted in a much different light today and maybe more people would see that the much touted "Great Reset" (new world order) is simply a ploy by a small group of elitists (primarily zionists) to depopulate the world of "the gentiles"... everyone else.

Of course... it has taken me a lot of reading to come to the above conclusions... reading that most will never do. Few want to face the possibility that their leaders are psychopaths that see them as useful idiots, cattle, and useless eaters.