Ankle Biter Stew

in #nwo7 years ago


They are exactly the same, only different. All is One. All is None. To be and to not be. The only thing constant is change. The only thing constant about constants, is there are no constants. It’s all illusion. That’s a constant. Entropy is constant. Wrong assumptions are constant. Half truths are full truths. Generally, I like to write in private. Closed eyes. Computer to my side. Silence. Meditation.
He is lazy. He is not working. “Everybody needs rest.”, breaks the silence as a hive-minder walks by the couch. I speak out, “I am trying to write a satire”, which vibrations unwind into silence. A Decree is not a decree, if it’s open for debate. The footsteps guided by closed ears, wisk the intruder into the other room.
The Greatest Law of the Universe works the same way. No one hears it. No one wants to hear it. Humankind has clearly evolved into a species, which amazingly keeps its’ head inserted squarely up its’ ass. It’s no wonder that no one has ears to see or ears to hear; they are covered by large intestines. Jehovah sees us as worthless rags. Our controllers see us as worthless eaters. I can understand this, but what do they eat? The sentence, “Eat Shit!”, should be reworded to “Keep eating Shit”; because, when your head is up your ass, there is nothing else to eat; and, we all need something to eat.
“What the human mind conceives, it can achieve”-Napolean Hill
So, humans are capable of anything, guided by will and desire. Capable of monumental achievements and monumental fuckups. We can have anything we want, but lost up the butt, we don’t know what we need. Somehow, while in the inverted fetal position, head inserted into ass, man can respond to hive-think. As powerful as a God, he dreams of Pizza, beer ,sex and someone elses virtual reality to keep him entertained and complacent. So, why do they call it stinking thinking? What else can you call a thought generated from a mind, surrounded by a head, surrounded by large intestines? The flatulent art of negativity. We are attracted to it like iron filings to a magnet. Negativity gives us a sense of power. A sense of Control. A feeling that we have “our shit” together, focused right in front of our face. There is no better feeling than the rapport of walking downtown in the reverse fetal position, just like everyone else. The enlightened people wonder, “How do all these asshats fit?” It’s like a womb. Life gets a little confusing? In the ass we go. It’s safe, warm and comfortable in there. But like an ostrich whose head is buried in the sand, asshats are easy pickings for predators. It’s sort of like those kids with their pants falling off their ass trying to run from the cops. Resistance is futile. Those wearing a crown of butt cheeks are easily manipulated. Just make them feel like they are worth less unless they have more. Make them into a consumer guided by fear and desire. Make them feel ridicule for popping their head out of their ass. Thank You, Bernays, nephew of Freud; and, the inventor of modern PR and propaganda. Thank you asshats for the Prussian model of education. Thank you asshats, for creating the assview world we live in, so that us free breathers can learn something and feel special about ourselves, having our asses kissed, since only we don’t have our head in the way. We truly are royal assholes. You deserve the ankle-biters and the prison planet YOU created. Remember Napolean Hill? Or, were you in reverse fetal a few paragraphs back?
Google is your friend. I am not going to feed the asshats, when they can find the info on their own. The first lesson in free breathing, is to get your head out of your ass and learn something on your own, without depending on hive-mind for the answers.

If we don’t really exist, yet we suffer; then, we must exist to suffer. Everyone suffers, so It doesn’t matter. If we suffer, then what is the purpose? As much as we love happy endings, are they myths or fantasies? We want to believe in nature, the world, the things that give us awe. Just when things look as though they can’t get any worse, someone, somewhere, does something awesome; and, we know things happen for reasons. As small as we seem in the Universe, We are a major part.
Dr Lanza, MD, who wrote the book, ”Biocentrism”, provides compelling evidence that matter does not exist unless it is observed by an animal. If he is correct, then we are not merely a part of creation, We Are Creation. Please read the book in the non-reverse-fetal position before you assume it’s impossible. So far I have 100% denial of this phenomena, from people whom have never peeked inside an algebra book, much less a text on theoretical physics, making themselves into a fine example of an asshat in motion.
The Prussian model of education causes us to feel inferior, if we cannot be the star of the class. Secondary status fires up unpleasant emotions in human beings. Innately, we all know that we are winners, maybe even Godlike. The most beautiful thing to a man is a naked woman. The most beautiful thing in a woman’s eye is her newborn baby. If this does not open your eyes, then maybe you should remain in inverse fetal position, as you just don’t get it. The sad thing about those who don’t get it, is that they don’t get that they don’t get it. Unfortunately, too many of those whom are not the star of the class, have learned to sound like they have authority by blurting out untruths with conviction; thereby bullshitting their way to a sense of false pride. This is your classic narcissist. If you want to test this, simply disagree with one and watch their imagined image implode. It’s not pretty. And, we wonder why we live in a fucked up world?
Open your ears. It won’t take long for them to be filled with unsolicited and worthless advice. The sad thing about know-it-alls is that they believe they really do know it all. Therefore, they are done. The last thing they will do is change, or learn anything new, since they already know everything. You can teach an old dog new tricks, but you can’t teach a know-it-all anything! While your ears are open, theirs are wide shut, as they are too busy giving you the unwanted advice. Why? Conditioning!
We are conditioned to conform to a sick society which has become a behemoth of consumption, while the majority starves. Celebrities and one-percenters have become the new Gods, while the individual is stuck in inverse-fetal-position, entirely powerless. Say yes by saying No! to No! We have free will. Use it!
Authority, which recognizes only a desire for control, has turned in upon itself, with no regard for the citizenry of the planet. Healthy competition is a good thing, but dominating others to make one feel better than someone else, is a major source of the ills we face on this planet. We have become a society whereby keeping others down for our own game has produced a sadistic and devilish sense of divinity. Sadly, the masses have come to accept this reality. Whether driven by philosophy or religion, all man’s attempts at government have resulted in an elite class detrimental to the masses. Capitalists have primarily been dominated by the one-percenters , while communists h1ave been dominated by ruthless tyrants and a handful of beaurocrats. We have been provided with the illusion of choice. It really does not matter which choice you make when voting for one party or the other. By means of the Hegelian Dilaectic, all choice is narrowed to one choice.
We live in a “me first” society. The real illusion is that nothing exists beyond our five senses. There is magic all around us, evidenced by fact that nature even works.

We really need much less that what we are conditioned to believe. A happy man is wiser than the wealthy man, who is caught in a trap. The spirit of `Mammon consumes one with greed to the point where no matter how much one has, it is never enough. There are too many people on the planet, who have more than they need, yet they are unhappy, solely because they believe they don’t have enough. Gold fever is real. The secret of turning lead into gold was obscured by the early alchemist in a way that practitioners who attempted to make real gold, usually went crazy from mercury exposure or blew themselves up. The real gold is purity of spirit.
Things have not always been like this on Mother Earth. Technology is now accelerating at an exponential rate. Merely 150 years ago, our grandparents used outhouses. Today, we are all interconnected by technology, which is heading towards the Singularity. The point in time whereby human consciousness will be transferred into a machine. The machine will be of a real hive mind, linking everyone to a central computer like the Borg. We shall become as Gods, yet we will lack free will and emotion. What kind of happiness can be experienced without emotion? The singularity will result in unquestioned, irreversible, and absolute authority. We must ask ourselves what force is driving us to such a sad termination of a species which had so much potential for love and peace?
Don’t expect God to save mankind. While the believers of organized religions are propelling us towards global thermonuclear war, the singularity and global pollution are edging us towards the status of an extinct race. Today, the Jews, Christians and the Muslims are engaged in perilous conflict over their perception of the same God. What kind of God will allow destruction of an entire planet due to confusion of his desires? According to Solomon, there is nothing new under the sun. We must look to our past to understand our future. The Nag Hammadi scrolls have been sealed for 1950 years. They give us a clear picture of what man thought in the first centuries AD. No hand either changed or altered these texts. What if I were to tell you that the Gnostics were a large and flourishing sect, comparable in size to the Hindus. The Gnostic texts explain an entity known as a parasite of human consciousness known as the Archons. The Archons are mentioned in every religion. They are the demons in Christianity and the Jinn of Arabian lore. Through a freak mistake by the creators, the archons were created. They have immense power, yet they have no soul, not unlike the Borg like singularity creation to come. These interdimensional being exist beyond our 3D existence, and may be the aliens of UFO lore. Whatever they are, the agenda does not look promising. The Archons are masters of beaurocracy and control, using authority to confuse mankind,while they draw energy from human negative emotions. They may explain human sacrifice ,UFO’s, poltergeists, war, love addictions, greed, lust, fear, and vampirism.
It took the Roman Catholics 1,100 years to erase the writings and the legacy of the Gnostics. Gnostics taught that the Creator God is evil. For the Abrahamic religions, this suggests that Jehova is evil. The church would not be able to maintain dominance and control without a jealous and egotistical God, in order to demand obedience, conformity and control, throughout the Empire.

Nicholas De Vere, in his book, “The Dragon Legacy”, asserts that magic follows the royal bloodlines, of which he, of course is a prince. De Vere is conceited, presumptuous, and he seems to delight in evil. De Vere dwells on his superior breeding and even suggests that the Merovingians are a separate race of Elvish kings, who evolved from the ancient Nephalim. I am of Merovingian descent. King John Lackland/Plantegenet, who signed the Magna Carta, is one of my great grandparents, I do not consider myself to be evil. Contrarily, I strongly identify with empathy and humanitarism. However; I have experienced strange wonders of ET and paranormal happenings. These events strted when I was three years old, when I witnessed three glowing blue orbs, circling my mother’s dining room table. The orbs caused me to develop a sense of divinity and an attitude of questioning authority for the next 57 years. Seven years after the orbs, an UFO the size of the moon appeared in the skies of Northwest Florida. These and other manifestations have filled my life with wonder and kept my mind open to the possibilities. What would an alien theology be like. Was I abducted? Most importantly, Why Me? I have never been anything super special, but I have tried to live a life in service to the Golden Rule. I strongly identified with the late hippy movement of the 70’s. Also, I strongly identify with the concept of an empath or wanderer, common to the New Age/UFO idea of inter-dimensional incarnated souls, sent here to raise the vibrations of the planet. Whereas, I labeled my first book, “Karmic Contract”, purely fictional; this book will be an accurate rendition of the phenomena. When I first wrote “Karmic Contract”, I was unaware of my Merovingian roots. Subsequently, my oldest brother, became a heridity junky and made the connections through the family tree. I will include the geneology as a appendix. There have been no other supernatural occurrences in my family, that I know of, other than my sister’s ghost story concerning the Ouija board, which may have just been a fun story. However, strange things have happened to people in my near vicinity.
I have been told that I am cursed, both by generational and personal curses, abducted, crazy, or any other excuse that would explain it. I believe in a loving God and that God’s will is for all of the creation to have what they want. I do not believe in a God, who would play tricks with the mind of an innocent three year old.
On 1/4/70, my first love, Nancy, died in a horrible fire. On 4/1/70, my father died. Both Nancy and I were turning 14 that year. I remained depressed for one and a half years after these deaths. I had an epiphany from the Universe, when I was 15 years old. Somehow, it seemed as though I found a secret, revealing a divinity within myself. This information was not received well by my family or friends, but the state of mind that I achieved when I was an adolescence, has neither returned or been explained to my satisfaction.