The spirit you talk about here in france, this spirit for revolution i can't feel at all anymore either. "Everyone" is giving in on whatever imposed, brainless and just wanting some more internet and sugar... even the ones i thought of to be capable to start this rEvolution.
"Best" friends keeping "social distancing", refusing to sing and play music together, though not have been moving out of the homesteads surroundings and without extern contacts for weeks. But there are folks like you and me, not giving up on the saneness of humanity.
Luckily, then this has already impacts who will stay for generations, this damage is huge and directed by some bad actors. Long live the agenda! It's so sad that most are still blind or want to go back into this illusion/matrix.
Be safe and assured, that there are still "some" Rebels around... to keep at least some folks sane and sound!
The matrix is a comfortable place and to step outside of it is probably one of the most difficult things a person can do.
Thank you for the assurance there are still some rebels around. I know you are right and I also know that over these next few years we will group together and become stronger.
See you there.
For sure we are!