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in #o2 months ago (edited)

Potassium Channels
Potassium Efflux

Depolarization Blocking Agents
Nicotinic Agonists

Alpha Hydroxy Acid
Carboxylic Acid
Citric Acid


finding all disease have a direct connection to Potassium inside of the cell vs outside the cell, HIV, Malaria ect..

to get Potassium back inside the cell is a bit tricky, and does appear to trigger a Herx, my body is pretending to have a cold.

Potassium Channels have a direct link to Endocannabinoid system, ATP, Antioxidant reactions with ROS & Radicals, Sulfide Bonds, Cytokines, Immune Response, Ph Homeostasis.

just about everything to do with health vs disease.

im not going to recommend this until i have more time testing, but its basically this.

Castor 90%
Potassium Citrate 5%

NAC may not be as important because i think the Citrate is doing what it needs, may also be good with a little Magnesium.

so its not a crazy formula, but it seems to be making Potassium active for cells.

Potassium Citrate is for kidney stones, breaks up toxic acid buildup crystallization plaque, but by itself flushes right out, this other way makes it keep working for days.

i think they are over complaining whats going on, because all the different diseases seem to do exactly the same thing, make toxic acids to kick out all the cellular potassium, the force the cell to manufacture toxic DNA that make plaque forming peptides.

Nicotine helps hold the Polarity of Potassium to stay in the cell, thats all it was really doing?

parasitic microbes emter cell, produce toxic acids, binding & knock-out Potassium via Depolarization, that cascades into Magnesium, Zinc depletion.

people with neurological diseases always seem to have the same odd patterns, Potassium Deposits, Zinc deficiency & smoking cigarettes seems to help them think.

more Zink & Cigarettes aint the core of the problem & taking a bunch of Potassium wont necessary get back into the cell.

Potassium is a Chelate to heavy metals, Sulfur is a Chelate to Potassium, ect.. and the only way in is Oil Solubility of Hydrogen-Proton Pump.

all the years testing different things, always was afraid to mess with both Potassium & Sulfur DMSO, for whatever reasons.

thinking back to Electrolyte Imbalances, they always seems to imply it takes months to fix an unbalance.

likely be because the FDA capped Potassium supliments to 99 ml, also without the other 3 parts it dosnt really get back into the cells.

dont think it really takes much Potassium anyway, im not using very much, it just keeps going, flipping enzymes or something.

also think Potassium in the Cell is what holds the other essential micronutrient minerals locked in position, like Copper, Iron, Molybdenum Selenium ect..

while Magnesium is of critical importance, Potassium is very close to the master mineral.

and Sodium & Calcium can be the master minerals outside of the cells.

but im trying to understand intercellular, because when it is operating correctly, without disease, then the extracellular appears to operate correctly, as if inside the cell is the command center for health & strong DNA.

bet 5 bucks.. Cannabis Oil helps put Potassium back in cells, found a paper said similar pathways.

Epsom Salt is Magnesium & MSM (DMSO-2).

so by adding Potassium Citrate with Epsom Salt is basically the ingredients, foot soak, just remember this stuf is Antihistamine, and its very powerful.

what was most fascinating is all disease begans with Potassium being knocked out ofnthe cell, then follows things like Iron & Magnesium.

and why Nicotine & Nicotinic acid (Nician) seem to help, what its actually doing is keeping the Potassium in the cell.

so i was initially going about it backwards, or a secondary step by using Niacin, just to keep Potassium in the cell, so now im going more direct by just putting it back in.

Niacin is just to hot & irritating, probably makes more histamine then is worth the trouble.

what is strange is DMSO & Potassium causes similar yet stronger reactions as Thiamine, to the point that my body thinks its got a stuffy cold, but i dont.

i know Niacin protects intellectual Potassium, but B1 seems to effect it as well, in some way.

so its basically just this im testing.

Potassium Citrate
Magnesium Sulfate

one is used for breaking up kidney stones, the other a laxative for colon exams.

non-toxic, doctors use both compounds for other random things.

but what i think is going on is all 4 elements together are the perfect combination to break up biofilms & toxic acids.

the ingredients are literally dirt cheap & once combined, it takes so little yo make the reactions start & it just keeps on going, meaning might only need to take a topical application once a week.

meaning when the Potassium, Magnesium, Sulfate & Citrate are mixed together, it locks an electric enzyme unzipper or wheel, and it just keeps unzipping toxic acids over & over again.

my problem fighting mycoplasma with antibiotics, alkaloids, or whatever, is that half the mycoplasma colony is dormant sleeping in bone marrow, mitochondria, blood cells & biofilm.

so most of the medications are causing a cytokine storm & making extra histamine to deal with.

i suspect its doing what Niacin & Thiamine are supposed to do, same general outcome, but less excess Nitrogen to deal with.

comparing the two papers data points, one thing stood out.

attempt to fix mitochondria tubulin & homeostasis, how Sulfate & Iron work together.

something about Tubulin & Microtubule degeneration & Amyloidosis.

a chain reaction that appears to begin with Potassium disruption, then a cascading collapse, specifically regarding Sulfate-Iron bond, then Iron & Potassium deposits eventually wrecking havoc.




hair follicle
potassium ion channels
antihypertensive agents
minoxidil sulfate


trying to find a link to ..

Mycoplasma Fermentans (Incognitus), SV40, Hela Immortal Cell, Dormancy, Bone Cancer, and the evolutionary link between Malaria (Plastid) vs Bacteria (Plasmid).

Circular DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, Circular Bacterial Chromosome, Quorum Sensing, Biological Mimicking & Dormancy.

Synthetic Blood & Cybernetics, Smart Dust


Alterations in intracellular potassium concentration by HIV-1 and SIV Nef

Role of Potassium in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Production and Cytopathic Effects

G protein-coupled and ATP-sensitive inwardly rectifying potassium ion channels are essential for HIV entry

i dont like the conclusions of the direction the papers are going, by blaming Intracellular Potassium as the cause of infection & replication, and looking for more effective Potassium Pump Inhibitors, just seems ignorant, or at least misleading from the toxic acids (fermentation) disrupting the homeostasis to begin with.

i guarantee, whatever a viris is alive or not, its making acids & disrupting Potassium Homeostasis, knocking it out of the cell.


Photo-Switchable Sulfonylureas Binding to ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channel Reveal the Mechanism of Light-Controlled Insulin Release

Beyond Homeostasis: Potassium and Pathogenesis during Bacterial Infections


my take on this last article is the pathogens dont want the Potassium, but the ATP around the potassium.

KATP Channel
ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channel
Heparan Sulfates
Sulfonylurea Receptor (SUR)
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)

Sulfonylurea Receptor (SUR) proteins are subunits of the Inward-Rectifier Potassium Ion Channels

A channel that is "inwardly-rectifying" is one that passes current (positive charge) more easily in the inward direction (into the cell) than in the outward direction (out of the cell).


Potassium and Sodium Channels and the Warburg Effect: Biophysical Regulation of Cancer Metabolism

Analysis of the Biogenesis of Heparan Sulfate Acetyl-CoA:α-Glucosaminide N-Acetyltransferase Provides Insights into the Mechanism Underlying Its Complete Deficiency in Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIC*


i think the pathogens follow the uptake of Potassium to get the ATP, ferment toxic acids & push all the Potassium out, make insulin resistant plaque.

Heparan & Phosphorus have a direct link to Amyloid Plaque formation.

thats a cellular Sulfur & ATP, and all having to do with Potassium.


Insecticidal Soap

Insecticidal soap's active ingredient is most often a potassium salt of fatty acids.

Insecticidal soap should be based on long-chain fatty acids (10–18 carbon atoms) because shorter-chain fatty acids tend to be damaging for the plant (phytotoxicity). Short (8-carbon) fatty-acid chains occur for example in coconut oil and soaps.

'Green Soap' is a potassium/coconut oil soap [that] has also been shown to be effective, as an unlabeled insecticide.

seems strange the only soap effective enough to be both safest & most effective is Potassium & Fatty Acid.

makes me think about mycoplasma, as a White Fly.

its not the amount of Potassium, seems to require Magnesium, Sulfate & Citrate, to make it activated.

K+ Potassium
Mg++ Magnesium
S Sulfate
O Oxygen
X Carbon
H Hydrogen (Fatty Acid, Oil)

Citric Acid seems to light up the reactions, everything ultimately appears to depend upon Potassium, as the master mineral.

Potassium Intake, Bioavailability, Hypertension, and Glucose Control



Structure of centromere chromatin: from nucleosome to chromosomal architecture

There are five families of histones, which are designated H1/H5 (linker histones), H2, H3, and H4 (core histones). The nucleosome core is formed of two H2A-H2B dimers and a H3-H4 tetramer. The tight wrapping of DNA around histones, is to a large degree, a result of electrostatic attraction between the positively charged histones and negatively charged phosphate backbone of DNA.

Centrosomes are composed of two centrioles arranged at right angles to each other, and surrounded by a dense, highly structured mass of protein termed the pericentriolar material (PCM). The PCM contains proteins responsible for microtubule nucleation and anchoring — including γ-tubulin, pericentrin and ninein.



Development of Phosphorothioate DNA and DNA Thioaptamers

Biological coordination chemistry of magnesium, sodium, and potassium ions. Protein and nucleotide binding sites