Why call Mary the mother of God

in #o10 months ago

In the four dogmas of Mary in the Catholic Church one of which is Mary, the mother of God which is referred in Greek to as the "Theotokes" Theo stands for God and Tokes stands for bearer meaning "God bearer".

When the Hail Mary prayer is said you hear them say "Mother of God pray for us sinners now and the hour of our death". Many have disputed the say that Mary is the mother of God in this our contemporary time but insist that she's meant to be called mother of Jesus and not God.

Several centuries ago, Nestorius of Constantinople rejected the title Theotokos for the mother of the incarnated Word but began to teach that the two natures of Christ, this logically led to believe that the Son was somehow two persons, which Nestorius further emphasized by calling Mary Christotokos (Christ-bearer) instead of Theotokos (God-bearer). That implied Christ has two distinct identities: Jesus the man and Jesus the divine Word.
He insisted that Mary as a human being could give birth only to a human being, and not to God. He persisted in calling the Virgin Mary Christotokos.

This teaching was actually termed to as heresy which means an erroneous teaching, Cyril of Alexandria disproved this erroneous belief and supported the reason why the mother of God should be called Theotokos, adding that Jesus does not have two identities, nor is he two persons, but is one person with two natures, human and divine.

I must confess in the past I have also thought it right that Mary should be addressed as the mother of Jesus and not God, but having read about this dogma I came to understand what the catholic meant I now give my contribution:
In my own point of view I will begin with the fact that Jesus and God are one we can see that in John's gospel (ref John 10:30) "I and my father are one" this does not mean Jesus is trying to count equality with God but instead making us understand he shares in the divine nature of God.

Furthermore, I will make reference to the bible again when you read Luke's accounts on Mary's visit to her pregnant cousin Elizabeth remember the baby in her womb leaped for joy, which made Elizabeth utter "And how has it happened to me, that the mother of my Lord would come to me?". (ref Luke.1:43).
When we pray, we used the word my Lord my God, and not my Lord the son of God. So what are we saying Mary, is the mother of God. I think it's won't be out of place to say Mary is the mother of God.
What are your views on this, feel free to drop your contributions in the comment section below, please avoid using harsh words.
Thanks for reading.