Who is a foolish man? It is a man who hears the sayings of Jesus — and fails to do them. He is likened to a man who was foolish enough to build his house upon the sand. This man would better not have built at all, for the cost of building was lost. He could have had the money for his use and enjoyment — if he had not wasted it in building a house on the sand. A foolish man, indeed!
Who is a wise man? It is the man who hears the sayings of Jesus and does them. He is likened to a man who built his house upon a rock. From a temporal standpoint, nothing else is so conducive to man's happiness as a good home. No better use can be made of money than to spend it in the building of a home, provided the house be built upon a sure foundation. A man who hears God's Word and does it, is likened to such a man. To build up a Christian character in obedience to the Bible, is the greatest wisdom. That is building a mansion in Heaven.
A real, true Christian experience and life, cost something — but they pay, because they will stand. A mere profession of Christianity may cost very little — but it does not pay, since it will not stand. A man who erects his house upon the sand, can build at less cost than he who digs deep and lays his foundation upon the rock — but at the very time when the former man most needs his house — when the winds blow and the rain falls — that is when it is destroyed. On the other hand, the man who builds upon a rock, has a house to shelter him through the storms. Likewise, he who builds up a Christian experience in obedience to the Word of God, will have something to serve him in a time of need.
We thus learn from Jesus' parable of the wise and the foolish house-builders — that obeying the Bible is the true way of life.
Mission accomplished. It's fresh :)
Thanks, it's really accomplished. "God's mission"
Thanks for sharing the bible and your devotionals