According to a new study from Pew Research which polled 40,000 people in 37 nations, Donald Trump's presidency has had a "major impact on how the world sees the United States".
You will find more statistics at Statista
As Statista's Niall McCarthy notes, three quarters of those polled had little to no faith in the U.S. president doing the right thing for world affairs compared to an unimpressive 22 percent who have a great deal of confidence in him. Broken down on a country by country basis, majorities of respondents in Israel and Russia were confident about Trump's leadership abilities but nearly every other nation displayed a high degree of skepticism.
Across the board, Obama's perfomance on the world stage is generally held in higher regard than Trump's. People were polled at the end of Obama's eight-year term and 88 percent of Germans, 83 percent of Canadians and 79 percent of people in the UK were satisfied with his global leadership.
When asked about Trump's presidency, on the other hand, only 11 percent of Germans and 22 percent of those in Canada and the UK had faith in his global leadership.
Source : ZeroHedge
I would suggest there is a direct correlation between the presence of effective independent media and the results of this survey. There is, for example, no widely recognized non-English speaking independent media platform in Europe I can name. When I asked my European friends where they go to get objective news reporting, they invariable cite what we in the states would consider main stream sources. When I asked where they go to get alternative news, some repeated their previous answers, others scoff at the very idea their favored source could be politically biased and for a few the question just didn't register.
There was even a nice write-up recently about how wrong the following graphic was about the German ARD at übermedien:
The critique is upset that neutral reports were left out of the calculations, ARD isn't nearly 98% negatively biased, only 98% of the reports that didn't have a strictly neutral 'tone' were negative! To all appearances it looks like the author doesn't completely understand the connotations of 'tone' in English, but I digress. The critique basically ends by saying "Negative press, yeah, he earned it!" Surprise!
Thanks so much for this post and for sharing it. I actually wasn't too aware of poll numbers how the world views Trump's and Obama's handling of international affairs. It's actually not a large surprise that the figures show that Obama had a higher confidence rate in this area than Trump. Trump mainly campaigned on a America first policy that focuses on the United States than on world. So far, his actions done in the international arena don't spell out huge confidence for traditional U.S. world policies such as NATO, free trade in NAFTA, Paris climate agreements, etc.
I would call him and the system he leads rulers, and I question the need for rulers.
We have the technology to live a more robust and peaceful way through voluntary actions and that is what I desperately hope we start working for.
Nihil novi... everyone knew that he would not be so great in international politics.
Just another poll taken by Libs. These are the same people who said Hillary was going to win the election. Biased poll. They take the polls to show what they want. I for one am happy that all those Germans and the people of Canada & UK do not have faith in his global leadership. Remember America first. He must be doing everything right.
I think it is important to remember that Presidents are not elected to govern outside of their nations, as an Australian, I love the fact that Trump is putting his people first.
The world didn't actually improve while Obama was President. It would be interesting to see who they polled in each country.
Thought Israel's number would be higher.
All of the countries that polled high for Obama have obviously liberal social policies. The better poll would be if the citizens had an equitable proportion audience to alternative news media.
Wouldn't say that Russians have much access to alternative news sources.
nice to read the results of this study, but Trump is the president of USA and not of the whole world, he was elected and appointed by USA voters and electors (arguable or not that is their choice) and the world can just watch what will be the presidency, which for sure is a lot different and personalized as all the other untill today......... we do hope that it will not bring the world more divided...
Upvote this comment, if you dont need global leadership! #offshorthepeople
This is also the case in The Netherlands (isn't on the list in your image). He's just so often in the news with his controversial tweets and when he contradicts himself or gives out false information.
do not compare 7 months with 8 years.
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Well, fortunately I live in America. I do not really care what the rest of the world thinks of my President. I know, I know this is not politically correct. I am suppose to bow down to the rest of the world. I am supposed to feel guilty for living in an awesome country. We are supposed to admire the EU government. Where they are not elected. They dictate the terms, and you just bow to your masters. It seems the people of other countries are not willing to do what our forefathers did so long ago. That is stand up and oppose royalty. If that works for the rest of the world, have at it. But, unless you are American, you probably do not have the pride that you ancestors died to give you a chance to live on your own terms. Why don't the other countries worry about themselves. We ignorant, arrogant Americans will worry about ourselves. Or, come and become an American yourself. Then you can feel the pride for yourself. Contrary to what MSM fake news would tell you, we as a whole, get along. Black, white, red, yellow, brown, we say hello to each other, open doors, and stop and help those in distress.
Come visit us. Forget the east and west coast. If you want to see real America, visit small towns. The minute we realize you are a foreigner, we will go out of our way to show you hospitality. Or, go to Paris, where they bow to the EU masters, and see where that gets you. Cheers.
Now I understand why everybody hates Trump here in canada. MSM here are blasting him just like your msm does. But let the sheep wake up in a nightmare in a couple of years. Crime Minister Justin Trouduc will restore all this crap with a selfie with Obumer and life will be forever pink and easy. Trump did an amazing campaign, but the lack of achievements since he's in the white house will cost him a second mandate. So prepare yourself for a socialist-moron-president in 4 years.

Fuck socialism, Fuck communism
Yes those numbers are the one you can see in the mainstream media. I am french and i can tell you what the European medias are saying is really not the reflect of what the peoples are thinking. In Europe today if you want real news you have to turn for dissident medias on internet (some are more popular than the mainstream one) or to some foreign country media that we trust. Political correctness is everywhere in the European media and peoples don't believe in it. Today mainstream media receive all their funding by government so you can imagine. Don't believe those numbers