in #obedience7 years ago

My Take on …….When you want to obey God yet avoid disappointing your loved one
Trust me obeying God can be hard but so is obeying Satan, either way you lose something. Most people will say I want to obey God and do His will and they are absolutely right. It is God's will that should be our priority and it is His will alone that should prevail but what happens when the will of God is at variance with our will. What happens when we have our plans all mapped out and ready for the execution. Do we still find it pleasurably to say we want to do Gods will? The real test of your obedience is not in obeying when it is convenient, the real test is obeying God when His instruction practically bites and scratches at you.
The sweetest test is obeying God to the detriment of one you hold dear. How then do you balance the equation? It is easier said than done. Trust me I have been there. If you had asked me this last year, I would have been a one-way traffic. God and God alone but in recent times I have come to understand from experience that obeying God at the detriment of the one you hold dearest to your heart is a lot difficult than when it is just you. You love that person so dear and it hurts you that yodownload (1).jpegu are hurting them. Sometimes you wish you never heard from God. To make the matter worse, you are undergoing a rough time because of your obedience and your loved one is suffering for it. I am there presently and it is not a palatable situation. It is hard and heart breaking I must tell you. Maybe the loved one refuses to understand or perceive what God is telling you.
If you are in such a shoe, then I have one advice for you. Hold on and pray. Hmmm prayer; you cannot get enough of that. Just keep holding on and trusting because God’s word cannot be broken. It may take a long time but as they say delay is not denial. God is doing something and as Don Moen will sing “working in ways we cannot see”. I am offering this encouragement to you because sometimes I need to be encourage too and would appreciate if someone reaches out to me. Your loved one cannot take the pace of God obviously but you have to be absolutely resolute to be able to follow on and not look back. The strength you would need to go on has to be doubled because it will take enough resilience not to heed to your loved one’s call.
Obeying God takes a lot of faith, courage and trust and my God sometimes we tend run on tank empty of that but our constant invitation of the Holy Spirit to energize and strengthen our weak nature will help us carry on to the end.