B.A.L.S. - When the Overweight or Unhealthy Won't Get Help

in #obesity7 years ago

Hey guys!

So as you may or may not know, heart disease is one of the number one killers in the US. We have a rampant rate of obesity, and it isn't really shocking given our lifestyles and the need to often rely on fast food for "nourishment".

Today someone asks how to get through to their overweight husband to get him help.

Lady Steem delivers as always.

Hope you are having a lovely day.

Stay Steemy my Friends!

▶️ DTube

As usual, always funny, but also broke it down really well. Always enjoy your videos!

Aw thanks. I have found that keeping it at a minute keeps me much more focused. I don't tend to go off on rants and tangents. :)

Very wise advice. I'd also add she should include deadlines. Ouch, rough I know but it needs to be done.

Yes. It's such a touchy subject, and one that I have even dealt with personally. I didn't mention it in the vid but there is actually a cool website now where you can bet on whether or not you will lose weight and make quite a bit of money! I was skeptical but know some friends who did it! That could also be a great solution.

Thanks for "weighing in". Baha bahaha bahahahaha.

I'm done now.

Glad you are talking about this Beth. I just can't believe that people actually care so little about themselves and their loved ones that they will allow this to get so out of hand and even worse people that allow their kids to go down that road. Really sad and selfish. My wife has a sugar addiction and I have to be the bad guy with the NO stick all the time, but hey someone has to be strong for the right reasons.

Haha I have a Coke addiction (like the soda) but I am luckily very active and not into other sweets too much. So basically my hubs would have to pry the coke out of my cold, dead hands! :D

This is very good advice . Thanis for your advice @bethwheatcraft