Obesity is a term used to describe a high body mass index of about 30 and above. It involves having an excess amount of body fat which can cause health issues. Basically, if a person has a 20% higher body mass than is usual, he/she is obese. Some causes of obesity include genetics, lack of exercise, excess food consumption and so on.
Obesity might not be considered to be such a big problem if it didn't come with major health risks. Unfortunately, it does, which is why doctors and scientists advise everyone to take on a healthy lifestyle to avoid it. Some of the risks of obesity include:
Obesity increases the risks of a person getting type 2 diabetes. According to research, the risk of diabetes is three to seven times higher in an obese person than in a person with normal weight. Diabetes is a lifelong condition which alters a person's lifestyle. When a person has diabetes, their blood sugar level becomes too high because the body becomes unable to convert glucose to energy. Some of the effects of diabetes include wounds healing slower than usual, frequent urination, fatigue, constant thirst, and blurred vision.
Heart disease:
Heart diseases are some diseases that can affect the functionality of a person's heart. One of the most common heart disease experienced by obese people is caused by a situation where the vessel which transports blood to the heart becomes narrow and hard. A significant heart disease caused by obesity is cardiovascular disease. This causes blocked or narrow blood vessels which can lead to chest pains, stroke, and a heart attack. Excess weight can also put more pressure on a person's heart by making it work harder in other to send blood to all parts of the body.
High blood pressure:
Blood pressure refers to how hard a person's blood pushes through the artery walls. Obesity can cause high blood pressure because the heart will need to pump harder in other to provide blood to all parts of the fat body, increasing the blood pressure. The kidney is also a part of the body which helps in regulating blood pressure, and excess fat might affect the kidney, reducing its function hence causing high blood pressure.
Stroke often occurs when there is a hindrance in the proper flow of blood to all parts of the brain. This restricted blood flow can cause some cells in the brain to die off, thereby taking away the function of some part of a person's body. Obesity increases the risk of high blood pressure in a person, and high blood pressure is one of the major causes of stroke.
Sleep apnea:
Sleep apnea is a situation where a person has pauses in breathing while asleep. It can cause drowsiness during the daytime, lack of focus and heart attacks. Obesity puts a person at risk of getting sleep apnea because, during obesity, fat is stored in the wrong parts of the body. If the fat is stored around the neck, it can make the airway smaller which affects breathing.
Thank You! A great post. :)
Obesity may be a serious medical condition that may cause complications equivalent to metabolic syndrome, high pressure, coronary artery disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood steroid alcohol, cancers and sleep disorders.
Yoga is the best option to deal with obesity.
great & impressive
Excelente publicación, gracias por compartirlo
nice post! i think diabetes is the worst problem
The greatest medical hoax in the history of medicine is being exposed right now around the world thanks to social media platforms. We are able to see now that cholesterol and saturated fat has never been a threat to us All along it has been sugar in ALL of its insidious forms. Researchers were paid to lie to blame saturated fat instead of sugar the real culprit of autoimmune disease including heart disease, strokes, diabetes, cancer, etc. Here is the proof:
Damage to blood vessels leading to heart disease:
Sugar causes High Cholesterol:
Mediterranean Diet Flawed
The sugar industry financing the hoax:
http://www.drcynthiahorner.com/cholesterol-build-blood-vessels/ https://blogs.webmd.com/heart-disease/2017/07/how-sugar-really-affects-your-cholesterol.html https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/1819573 http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2018/06/following-charges-flawed-statistics-major-medical-journal-sets-record-straight https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/13/well/eat/how-the-sugar-industry-shifted-blame-to-fat.html