Hahaha, glad that I got you LOL'led on a Friday my friend.
Still waiting on remarks about it hoping that someone will take it serious so I can have some fun by explaining this freak wonder in nature, but no fish has taken the hook yet hahaha.
The idea was also to put something warm out there for you guys in the frozen nations. It sinks into the subconscious to awaken fond memories.
Hope that you will dream about your favorite place in summer tonight my dear friend.
Happy weekend to you and try to stay warm!
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Fingers crossed your fishing trip yields a giggle or two for you...LOL!
And many thanks - hubby and I will be turning in soon, and I appreciate the suggestion to my subconscious to dream of warm summer days. Bright blessings to you and yours.
Oh yeah of course, you guys should be 7 or more hours behind us!
Happy dreams and my greetings to the hubby!