Want to know a secret? The longest and most mysterious secret ever...read on.
The Oxford dictionary defines the Occult as;
"Mystical, supernatural, or magical powers, practices, or phenomena."
Examples of occult practices or rituals...
- Tarot
- Ouija board
- Astrology
- The I Ching
- magick
- alchemy
- religion
Hang on, I hear you say, religion? But didn't God say;
The Bible - Leviticus 20:6
“If a person turns to mediums and necromancers, whoring after them, I will set my face against that person and will cut him off from among his people." (English standard version).
Religion is an occult practice, crossing the liminal between the corporeal world (stuff, things, the physical, matter) to the incorporeal (not being composed of matter, no material existence) - one cannot commune with God in material form.
The physical sensory apparatus we have translates material vibration, sound and light waves for example, into the means of us understanding the world around us. Further brain comprehension then means we don't walk into walls, or fall off cliffs, or step in front of buses on a daily basis.
Back to the big man...
So, when looking at Leviticus 20:6 - it is clear that the bible or God, or Jesus, or whoever actually wrote the Bible, didn't want anyone dabbling around with Occult forces.
But Why?
From the idea that we have to go beyond the physical world to commune with God, we need to look at the abstract. The non-corporeal nothings that we know exist but can't see, touch, taste etc. Maths for one example. Fibonnaci spirals can be found in nature, the Golden ratio, true maths scholars know the Architects hand when they see it. But numbers are immaterial.
Numbers, like symbols and the maths they are made from are a spell, especially when they are used in respect to money, or currency. They are another vehicle to control, one few control and the many need to survive. We are surrounded by talismans that use occult forces to assist in the systems of control. Whether advertising logos or money itself. Just because we can't see underneath the corporeal dimension, doesn't mean it is not there;
The loss of control
The power in this world is in the control, the control of one's self, the control of others. Arguably, those who understand the unseen have a greater degree of control.
Imagine, being blind to the prison cell in which you are contained, the prisoner who no longer recognises the bars of his cage could almost find solice in his unknown detention. Especially when he feels as though he is 'free' and has 'choice'.
Unknown Prisoner
"I can spend the money I earn, I am free to elect my leaders."
Really? What is a choice when the choice is of two? Who selected the two to chose from? Not you.
Let me ask you this;
Does the money you earn allow you to do whatever you want, when you want to?
I doubt it, if you are reading this anyway.
The flow of currency, like blood round an organism enriches life, too little and you are emprisoned by your cash anemia, starving, homeless and likely to die forgotten and alone.
Middle income allows you to transend the restriction of destitute poverty, it allows you to modestly travel, buy cars and clothes, but keeps you beneath the law.
High income = higher social status, you can afford lawyers that can get you out of certain crimes, allows you to buy other people, in or out.
The highest band of income, however, buys you time and power, the ability to control armies, corporations and countries.
Buying time back, freeing us from debt slavery. The invisible shackles.
The occult and higher realms
Accessing higher realms of existence can allow us to leave the physical confides of our corporeal world, cross the liminal and commune with the devine. There are means of doing so, psychoactive drugs, meditation, rituals and other arcane practices. It is like the matrix though, once you take the red pill, you are going through the rabbit hole and your perspective will be altered forever. So, a word of warning, before you begin dabbling in the occult, the bible warned you, the church warned you, I am warning you, it will change the rest of your life. I urge you to complete theory and research before undertaking any physical ritual or practice. Learn to protect yourself from the demons that exist between here and there.
Just because we cannot see the wind, it doesn't mean it is not there. We see the effect of the wind on the trees and plants, but never the wind itself. Do you think fish are aware of the water they are in before we remove them? The physical world our bodies are in, is not the only one, just because those with the power want you to think that, don't.
Have you ever considered that you are fed a diet of fantastical movies to limit the minds desire for the fantastical? But I bet if you think for a moment, in a quiet space, quieten your mind down, you will realise that something is missing.. That connection, you may have rooms full of things, but what you really need is a deeper connection and the realisation that the incorporeal mind you were born with, transcends the confines of your body and this earth. We are connected to everything and nothing at the same time. You just have to unlearn everything you have learned growing up and practice.
I am a Royal Arch Mason here in Maryland (Druid RAC). I saw that the apron looked like the Gmail icon immediately. I still believe that is was a random coincidence, if such a thing exists. The symbols of Masonry are deeply embedded in the language after the Fraternity being around so long. I though that seafaring symbolism was coincidence too, until I learned the Royal Ark degree was also very very old....
It's no coincidence, look up the guy who heads up the dev' team for google. :)
I keep getting Page, Brin, and Kedar. Clue me in here, since none of them are brothers, who are you thinking of? My fave Brother in the tech scene: Woz!
I have drafted a post for Freemasonry and Technology. I wrote Part I of joining the Order last night. I am getting a pleasant response and will probably do a 5 or 6 part series. Part II - Joining the Lodge is close to finished. What would people think of publishing a commentary of the "Public Rituals" of Installation, Corner Stone Laying, and Memorial Service? (Part VII)