Hello my dear friend! I haven't heard from you in ages! I hope you're doing well.
This is an amazing post. I have enjoyed all your photos. It looks like you had a lovely time during Christmas vacation :) Active time is the best time spent :)
I like the feeling of being above clouds. It's like you were on the top of the world :)
I'm not sure if jumping is a thing either but I do like these two jumping photos :) Is it you?
It's sad to see that the entrance fee is not used as promised but I do hope that this mess will be cleaned soon. It's also sad to see that people still don't realize that it's not cool to leave trash behind them in nature. Just take it with you!
Thank you for sharing! And I'm glad to read something from you again :)
Take care!
Hi, martina! I know I am missing a lot. I am here but not here lol! I can be here for a little time and cannot stay much longer as before.
Agree. I feel like there are still vacation mode left in me.
Right? It's my first time to see this. Unlike before even the mountain is covered by clouds so nothing can be seen.
Yup! That's me lol! I was aiming for being above the clouds but i can't jump high enough lol!
Yeah, we really should be more disciplined and be concerned about the consequences of our actions.
Thanks for dropping by. Cheers!