Meet Monkey Man!

in #ocd3 years ago

Meet Monkey Man! Or... At least that's the best name I've come up with so far, lol...
It may change in the future and the image may change as well, though I really like this one so far. Look at that smile! :D

I've recently been inspired to try to create a sort of comic book short film type of thing with artificial intelligence art.
Who knows if I'll ever finish it, but I'd like to try to push my creativity further and try to do something new and make something fun, funny and interesting to watch with this new technology.

Don't expect much! It's likely going to be very crude and simple and I'm not sure if I'll even be able to make alternative pictures of the characters unless I figure out how seeds and init images work better.

But, let's just say that I was partly inspired by one particular artist on YouTube who made a video about AI short films and another dude named Baluga who is like the quickest to 3 million subscribers in history I believe?
He already had 1 million subscribers on his other channel and used that channel to promote his new one so I don't expect in my wildest dreams to be able to replicate such!

In fact, I have my doubts I'll even gain one single solitary extra subscriber because of such and maybe no one will even like it at all...
Though, that Baluga guy is doing his videos with like a discord chat as his theme and his pictures/artwork aren't very good...

His videos are extremely simple and surprisingly so, so... It really inspired me to think outside of the box more and try something new I've never tried before!
Whatever happens it'll be fun just to create something new and see what I can do, I enjoy learning new things and look forward to trying my best even if it doesn't work out very well!
❤️ 😁 🐒



Hahaha pretty cool. Almost nightmarish too ^^

Glad you think it's pretty cool! I didn't get the nightmarish vibe, lol... But, I appreciate the feedback. Might have to consider another image for that character that is more cute as I don't want to scare or disturb anyone.

Hey, awesome idea!! I'd love to see where it goes.
Also if you'd be interested I collaborating, I've been looking for an aí inspired video to score. If that would be something you're into let me know.
Character looks cool, definitely different 😉
Looking forward to your next update.

Happy to know you appreciate the idea and think the character looks cool!
Interestingly enough I've been asking my dreams about YouTube/art kind of stuff and my dreams partly seemed to suggest that I should look to collaborate with others and then you sent this message a day or two after, so... Yes. I am interested.
There's one I've been working on and I'll let you know when I have something to show!
Cheers. :D ❤️Thanks @orlev ! :)

Oh awesome!!! I didn't really think you'd be interested... That's pretty synchronistic...
I've actually been looking for some kind of visual artist on Hive I could collaborate with. I just started live streaming composing and so I thought It could be cool to promote you and your work, and show the process of how I score it. Only if you agree of course, that was just my idea.
That way we could promote each others work in new places (on hive).

Anyway, I'm super psyched to see what you got, and I would really like to maybe talk about the work, your vision, your tone, you know, get an idea of what you're looking for.
A big part of the collaborative process, in composing, is utilising the music to help tell the story in the best way possible. It's very different from writing music, as in songs.
Anyway, I'm rambling cause I'm excited.

Looking forward to speaking more, and good luck with it!

Ps, maybe we could do something for inktober about it.... Just a random thought.

Synchronistic is a good word for it! I guess it could be a coincidence, but... I'd like to think it's a synchronicity. :)

Sure, I agree and I think that'd be cool.
I'm happy to promote your work as well, I have a bigger following on Facebook... Though, it can still be a struggle to get views on my YouTube stuff as most of them seem to just prefer clicking on memes or reading my text updates and not checking out my YouTube videos very much.

I'm definitely a small timer and don't have a big following, though I love creating and sharing art and I feel like maybe some of this new AI art might do well.

Word. I'm psyched to share it as well when it's ready.
I have a few different animations I'm working on and I'd like to put my own lyrics to it if possible as well, however the lyrics for this project are not ready yet.

The animation I was thinking of doing with you starts with a wizard casting a spell and opening a portal and then the portal goes through a fairy village and a forest and some other nature stuff and ends up at the Library of Alexandria and then it goes into a book which goes through a window up to Mount Everest and then into the clouds and... Maybe from there it will go up into the stars and outer space and not sure how it will end yet, maybe I can make it loop back to the wizard casting the spell... I also might add some other stuff in between.

Right now I only have the $10 a month subscription so I can do half a day or so renders before it kicks me off and unfortunately it wont' be one long seamless animation, but I think I should be able to sort of stitch the clips all together in a way where it looks pretty good!

If I put some lyrics in there it will probably involve wizards and magic and exploring out in nature and stuff like that!

I'm not sure when the animation will be ready to show as it's taking a while.
I assume Inktober is October? If so, I should probably have something ready by then! At least the animation, the lyrics could take a lil bit longer depending on how much free time I have to work on it.

Looking forward to working with you! :)