Please try to support following Author and post, he is not getting much love onchain, I mean look at this post, so many comments, lots of engagement, you must truly consider this.
We should only be so thankful our overlords of trending permit us to even read it.
I'm thinking of encrypting it so only those paying get to read it but it would still take a spot on trending! :)
Use it as a front for sports betting. Pay $50 to get in and place your bets on the games.
We did that the 1st year, post rewards were shared amongst the closest bets instead but no buyin cost but decided not to the 2nd year as we tried doing 3 different leagues at once and it would have been way too many comments and "engagement" instead. With the bearmarket most authors dropped out early on though so we went with just 1 this year but people still like to complain I guess cause they don't know the history or the point of them.
Nothing against the flags but you do realize the one thing you go on complaining about all week is a 2x per week post where I keep 20% of the rewards after having run it for 3 years. Where were you 2 years ago? Too busy raking in daily rewards from appreciator while doing nothing? Where are your downvotes against the circlejerkers you said you'd help with, or was that just so I would lay off your unsustainable "business"? :3
It's funny how you wrote me a wall on my post, then didn't respond but keep bickering about this one thing and how it's lacking engagement. It's really sad mate, I'm sorry your business collapsed but don't hate too much on the person trying to make the most out of the EIP when it's affecting everyone the same, or you know, go ahead and continue, it's making you look really good. :D
Your everything starts with bots and ends with bots, move on guys, its EIP now. In reality, its the other way round, I have hurt your business's ROI which you so called curation but that's not why I am here.
I did not even mentioned about flags/dv or anything at all just mentioned 'Steem Fantasy Premier League' and you got pissed again. I am NOT a top witness, so I don't have to answer you for any of your questions but still just for this one time again. You on the other hand have to answer to community for getting all the witness votes again to the community publicly.
Just put everything aside and let me ask it again because I did asked it on your post because you due it to your community.
Please be sensible for once and tell me who runs a circle for whole 3 years to complete anything on this blockchain?
You publicly proclaimed claimed that reward pool is finite and we should use it more effectively, yet you are boosting a post by Wise authority in this bear market with below par engagement and say for yourself that is it right to do so. Why?
Major beneficiary for those posts is @fantasyleague? right. Its a dead account, which was supposed to be hosting and delivering rewards to real participants but you are simply accumulating SP on that account. I wonder why?
Even the Author of that post agrees that engagement is less, I am not sure why are you denying it.
Last reward distribution was 3 months ago going back to 5 months only but all those accounts seem dead to me and maybe they belong to one person only. Anyone can check out wallet history of @fantasyleague and its transfers and anyone can verify that following accounts are not that much active @tusroni,@carita-feliz,@amosbastian,@davor27,@larsson9,@jsock,@tszunami and the list goes on...
There is no history of this going on 3 years, maybe you were not doing it publicly or perhaps its all just fantasy as the name claims to be, even the rewards.
Hahaha holy fuck mate you are dumber than I previously anticipated, just a bot owner who got lucky and thinks he knows the platform eh? For your accusations of sockpuppetry and scamming the contest, please do me a favor and fuck your own face.
Hahaha this is hilarious, I'm not denying engagement isn't there, but I'm also saying I'm only getting a fraction of the rewards and blocktrades agreed to sponsor it so if you do find any sockpuppets of others then please let me know cause I'll disqualify them from the rewards which btw to answer your other retarded accusation are distributed at the end of the season so instead of just leaving the steem liquid I'm doing some autocuration on it, do you have a problem with that too, maybe? If you wanna continue going on spreading shit and accusations against me then you better be prepared for the consequences, I'm not a top 20 witness by playing politics or watching out what I say to dickheads like you mate, I get there by putting in the work and actually doing a difference on this blockchain.
Aww man can't believe I wasted so much time on your dumbass. Was this the best you had to come with? Damn, I was really hoping you'd have at least had one valid reason to your complaining all over the chain, guess it was just cause of the downvotes on your sold votes cause you couldn't just continue on his rainbowcolored road to easy profits by selling votes eh? Awws poor baby. Blaming it on OCD's ROI didn't work, complaining about my fantasy league posts didn't work, I wonder what you'll do when you realize everyone frontrunning eachother is just a race to the bottom and you'll have to actually put in some time to curate. Woah, what's that? The EIP may actually be working? Dayum.
Please question my integrity again, I'll appreciate the laugh.
Here's a random accusation I'm shooting out of my ass the same way you did. You're selling votes privately for a fraction of the costs and feeding appreciator extra steem cause you're afraid freedom will undelegate you if you're sending him as little as the others back. :3
I wonder which one has more substance to it.
I see this is again going in circles which was expected from you
Oh I am very afraid now, LOL
Anyways, I rest my case and going to let others decide
I think you shouldn't even open cases if that's what the content of them is.
Sorry to hijack your post @anomadsoul but need to vote this up so others can see what this bid bot owner is saying, rofl.
Be my guest, this attempt of peroartion from one of the bid bot owners who are just mad that the New Steem doesn't go along with their business idea has been more than entertaining.