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RE: 5 Easy Ways To Change Your Social Media Experience NOW!

in #ocd4 years ago

I think I pass.
I have deleted instagram a long time ago.
I have an extension which blocks any facbook content and replaces the entire UI with qoutes :p
I do have to use messenger for work x)

Does you consider YT a social media?


Well my friend, you are doing better than myself (and probably most people!) :) I use Messenger a lot for connecting with my friends and family that are all over the place. It's just easier since everyone is there. IG I actually was very late on. I didn't download it for years and then I got it and use it sporadically. I do definitely consider YT part of this -- I don't really enter into that realm unless I'm listening to music but a lot of people get stuck for hours watching videos and then look up to find their day gone! My friend just called me last week about how she got stuck in a rabbit hole of theories that ended up being an entire day's journey! :) I think allllll of these examples come down to how you use them and if it's positively affecting you or draining you.

My problem was also with Instagram.

I watch a lot on youtube. A lot of the time is what I would consider educational videoes. But sometimes its just gameplay, as long as there is a good balance I am fine with it, not sure what I would do otherwise :p

I dont think those rabit holes a bad, if its something there interest you :D

I think I am affected positive to some extent :D