In 1984, Yuri Beznemov describes how Leftism would be used as a tool to destroy America

in #ocd5 years ago

In 1984, a KGB defector describes a modern America

This disturbing interview given by a Yuri Beznemov 36 years ago, describes the America of today and provides four stages of Leftist brainwashing used by the KGB. Even coining the phrase "Social Justice", Yuri goes on to explain how these leftist political prostitutes would destroy the last free nation.

  • Yuri refers to this process as "a great brainwashing" in four basic stages.
  • The first stage he calls "demoralization" which takes 15 to 20 years of indoctrination.
  • According to Yuri, 15-20 years is what it takes to re-educate one generation of a populations students and expose them to a leftist ideology.

For anyone who is familiar with psychological warfare, the Mueller Report makes it clear that the Russian KGB played a role in many American elections. Once a generation has been poisoned with the idealogy of leftism, there is no way of ever fixing there brainwashed minds.

We don't know the endgame and neither do we know how much of his KGB training is still employed, but in light of current events, there could be a way for us to get a clear understanding by studying the information of Yuri Bezmenov, the infamous KGB agent who defected to the west in 1971.

36 years ago, Yuri gave an interview with host Edward Griffin which blew the doors off the leftist Agenda. His most haunting point was that there has been a long-term plan created by Russia to destroy America through a process of "demoralization". It's a very long term game, which takes decades to accomplish, and it's now revealing itself in 2020.

Yuri informed us that the work of the KGB only involves around 15% espionage, despite what our pop culture lead us to believe. The main purpose of the KGB, 85% of it, is the implementation of psychological warfare "a slow process called ideological subversion or active measures.

So what does this all mean?

Yuri explains that the most devastating thing about ideological subversion is that it happens right out in the open as a legitimate process. "You can see it with your own eyes," Yuri said. The U.S.A media could see it if they just opened their eyes.

Here's how he describes ideological subversion:

"What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country."

Yuri calls it "a great brainwashing" which includes four stages.

The first stage is called "demoralization" which can take anywhere from 15 to 20 years to accomplish. According to Yuri Beznemov, this is the minimum amount of time it takes to re-educate a generation of students by exposing them to Leftist ideologies. In other words, the amount of time it takes to change people's perceptions.

He refers to the 1960s hippies and points out they come to positions of power in the '80s. Yuri claimed that this generation has already been "brainwashed" by Marxist-Leninist ideologies. Of course, this may be hard to believe back in 1984, but as we can see today it all makes sense. Yuri's main point addressed why people who have been gradually "demoralized" and are unable to see it happening.

Referring to the Leftist, Yuri said:

"They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern [alluding to Pavlov]. You can not change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior."

The Demoralization process is "irreversible". I believe that the process of demoralizing America was completed a decade ago. It would take decades and another generation to change the population's perception of reality and back to patristic.

In what I believe to be most striking words of the interview, here's how yuri described the state of a demoralized person:

"As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore," said Bezmenov. "A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures; even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him [a] concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it, until he [receives] a kick in his fan-bottom. When a military boot crashes his balls then he will understand. But not before that. That's the [tragedy] of the situation of demoralization."

It's hard to ignore the eerily similar reality of a world we now live in (2020). We have become a polarized society of angry tribes, with most people on the left flat out rejecting facts in favor of narratives and opinions.

Once the demoralization phase is complete, the second stage is what yuri describes as "destabilization".

During this 2-5 year period, essential structural elements of a nation are targeted:

Economic, foreign relationships, and defense systems. Basically, the subverter (Globalists) would attempt to destabilize those three targets in the United States, destroying the country from the inside.

The third stage is called the "crisis" (I believe we're in this phase now). It only approx 6 weeks to send a country into crisis, explained Yuri. This crisis would usher in "a violent change of power, structure, and economy" and will be followed by it's the final stage, normalization. At this stage the country has been taken over, living under a new Leftist ideology and reality.

this is happening to America right now and I can't see how anything can stop it now.

Yuri Says:

"What's more "if people will fail to grasp the impending danger of that development, nothing ever can help [the] United States," adding, "You may kiss goodbye to your freedom."

It bears saying that when he made this statement, he was warning about baby boomers and Democrats of the time.

In another, terrifying phrase, Yuri explains what is really happening in America. They may think they're is living in peace, but they're not, they;re living in war. And for some time:

"Most of the American politicians, media, and educational system trains another generation of people who think they are living at the peacetime," said the former KGB agent. "False. The United States is in a state of war: the undeclared, total war against the basic principles and foundations of this system."

Whether you think that is true depends on how far much you've been affected by "demoralization", but the reality of the "Leftist Globalists" active measures. If you find yourself on the political left, it is unlikely you will ever believe in Truth.

You can watch the unbelievable interview here:

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