La educación empieza por casa!Education begins at home!

in #ocd5 years ago

Estas imágenes son de mi pequeño hijo de apenas dos años de edad, realizando tareas y articulando sus manitos al escribir y colorear.estos son buenos ejercicios para la motricidad y desarrollo psicomotor.
These images are of my little son, just two years old, doing homework and articulating his hands when writing and coloring. These are good exercises for motor skills and psychomotor development.

( niño no tuvo dificultad en aprender agarrar el lápiz y escribir, trazar en una hoja rayas sin parar.

jpg My child had no difficulty learning to hold the pencil and write, to trace on a sheet of paper non-stop.

Además enseñarle los valores,respeto y disciplina y quién más que yo que soy su mamá para enseñarle todas esas cosas buenas para su crecimiento...
I have had to be my child's teacher during this quarantine. I must teach him all the good things since he is a sponge that absorbs everything that can be instilled in him. Also teach her the values, respect and discipline and who else than I am that her mother is to teach her all those good things for her growth ... ( ha tocado durante está cuarentena ser la maestra de mi niño debo enseñarle todas las cosas buenas ya que el es una esponjita que absorbe todo lo que se le puede inculcar.


I am certain he loves learning from you! ❤️

If friend Edgar likes to grab the pencil and draw lines just as he loves colors, he wants to spend the day coloring hahaha and doing homework. Greetings thanks for supporting me I hope you are in good health and take care of this pandemic!

I am safe at home and being extra cautious. I worry about you, though.

Friend here we do not know what is worse, if the virus of vovid19 or the hunger that the people of Venezuela and part of my community go through, now we begin with rationing of light in the country. This that we live on a daily basis is quite desperate to think that we are going to eat all the products that go up every day every time they are unbeatable. But we thank God that we have in each awakening one more hope and one more day of life. I'm glad you take care of yourself and take all the precautions to take care of your health. Greetings, friend. God bless you.

It has become a bleak existence for so many. Worse for you because it was already so bad there when this started. I am afraid that it will become much worse here, before it begins to get better.

Keep the great work, Elianisa and Edgar!

Yes friend @drutter thanks greetings take good care and take care of your baby