Time is a river, always flowing,
Silent as it moves, yet always showing
The path we take, the road we choose,
A map of moments, win or lose.
The sun that rises, the moon that sets,
They mark the hours, they place the bets.
From morning's light to evening's shade,
Time's a treasure we mustn't trade.
There's a rhythm in every second,
A story in each minute's reckoning.
From yesterday's dreams to tomorrow's hopes,
Time's the thread that ties our ropes.
It doesn't wait for the weary,
Doesn't pause for the teary.
It keeps moving, never resting,
Always testing, always questing.
But in its flow, there's beauty found,
In every tick, a gentle sound.
It tells us, "Live, don't waste the day,"
"Make the most, don't shy away."
So chase your dreams, climb the mountain,
Dive into life's endless fountain.
For time won't stop, it won't rewind,
It only moves, it only finds.
Finds the brave, the bold, the daring,
Those who keep on, never fearing.
So grasp the clock, embrace the chime,
Make the most of all your time.
Each moment's gift, each day's a prize,
So look around and realize:
Time is fleeting, but you are here,
Don't waste a breath, don't waste a tear.
Step forward, seize your destiny,
Let your heart and soul be free.
Time is yours, it's yours to make,
So live, love, give, and take.
By me