This story began on July 13, 2019, when a young man from Malaysia wrote his story on social media (Twitter). Yes, started the story with a post, in which a photo of him with his future wife wearing neat clothes, in which he wrote "engaged June 21 2018".
Then he continued his post on the same day, "This is our short story in 2010 when we were dating, at that time you were in the same school."
A few weeks after getting engaged, the wife's parents hastened her marriage for some reason, and they officially got married on March 23, 2019.
Continuing for three months, the wife died of cancer, on June 24, 2019.
At the end of the twitt, he said, "Now that my wife is gone forever, she has been called by God, because God loves my wife more.
Goodbye my wife ..
Innalilahi wainnailaihi rajiun
Bro whatsUp?
haba get dek fo.. sang mulai lom hinan hahaha