Free Range Friday

in #ocd4 years ago

A Blog Post Of A Diary-like Nature

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The last couple days have taken an unexpected turn into the random fun realm. My nephew, a fun-loving creature who also happens to be a quantum chemistry Phd student at WSU has dropped in for a stay. The main reason for his arrival was to attend one of my daughter's volleyball games, that and every so often we all need a bout of family time.

I tend to refer to my marvelous nephew as a hummingbird. He flits from topic to topic with breakneck intellectual speed. He's only six years younger than I am, plus we were pals before I married his uncle, so we have this amazing almost 3 decades long rapport that has evolved over the years. By rapport I mean that on the hour long drive home from Bonners Ferry last night that we serenaded my daughter who was held captive in the back seat. So many 90's songs were sang at top volume that I might have to apologize to my neighbors as at one point last night my nephew leaped from the car and started dancing in my driveway.

The thing is, when we get together this type of behavior is completely normal. There's singing, there's dancing, there's quantum chemistry and random weird discussions that entail waves and particles and Britney Spears. It's so nice when you have such a magical relationship as a family with one of your family members that their arrival hurtles you into a state of existential bliss.

I mean, yesterday found us hurtling up the highway to my girl's volleyball game, but we also stopped and chucked a package of licorice into my dad's lap. Rambling Ron was sitting on his porch in the woods with his cat Pod, Tide Pod to be exact. We spent fifteen minutes listening to my dad regale us about his wall, Ron's Wall, which is an edifice that is somewhat like a wooden Hadrian's Wall. However, instead of existing to divide Great Britain, Ron's wall will be a fortification designed to keep out the invaders. We never really figured out who the invaders are going to be, but Pod was entertaining and made us laugh when she fell off her chair and stared at Dad like it was his fault.


I'm gonna find a bunch of these to hang on Dad's wall like intimidating gargoyles of intimidation.

We continued on to Bonners Ferry after a short visit with Pa because my nephew had a Zoom meeting at 4 with one of his professors. Before you could sing I have confidence R had strode into the high school and somehow had the principal show him to a room to have his meeting in. I admire people who possess self-possession and assertiveness. I'm pretty sure I was smiling under my mask as the whole scene elapsed like something off of a primetime TV drama.

Right now my daughter is with my unstoppable nephew. Yesterday morning my hubs discovered that my nephew's tire was rubbed almost completely bald on his pickup, so tonight my girl is on a mission to help R acquire new tires. That and some wads and lubricant for his new blackpowder rifle, because my nephew also just randomly buys things on a whim.


Every deep thoughts post needs a moody, pensive shot of some random blue jean clad legs. So existentially.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring? I know that along with having Rambling Ron in my life that I am pretty thankful to have the Random and Rather Resplendent Robbie in the fold as well. Yesterday, he told me that he loved how I loved people's stories, and he is right, I love the minutia of people's existence. All the lines and streams of happenings that line up to create the stories of the human experience is beyond fascinating to me. There are just so many variables and I never fail to want to hear what's occurring because honestly those connections of interesting are what makes life so worth living.

That and having a random dance party on a dirt road in the middle of the night just because the music moves you.

And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's probably amused by all her introspective ruminations this week iPhone.


This is a few stories of him now that I remember and sounds like the incredibly buoyant yet deep person that can talk about anything and everything at length, until the next shiny thing distracts them. I'm stupid curious about the whole quantum chemistry thing now cuz that just sounds cool let alone really wild. Quantum is really hard to grasp as it's all probabilities, and how does that translate to chemistry? 🤷‍♂

It is always oustanding an adventure it seems when he flits into your life.

Oof, I’m sorry I fell off the face of the Chain, I had a good excuse, intestinal death lol.

Quantum fascinates me too, one time a slightly inebriated Russian genius explained it to me over garlic infused mussels, but the Institute if Shock Physics at WSU probably has a better handle on the explanation front. They are smashing subatomic things together at extreme temps and pressures using all manner of lasers and such using math that is currently beyond me and sending atoms elsewhere while doing so, all for science. It’s pretty cool, and if I wasn’t completely broken right now I’d probably be better about commenting about it.

Most of all, I do love it when he flits into our realm, it’s definitely an adventure:)

What a wonderful way to spend time with your favorite people! Would have liked to see the dance....

The dance was legend lol lol!

Your nephew sounds like a very interesting person!

He is definitely that! It’s always an adventure when he drops in for sure:)