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RE: The Conviction Mob

in #ocd4 years ago

So it seems the elites throughout history, for whatever reason, don't think that ordinary people (the peasants) belong at the autonomy table. I mean, a lot of what we are seeing and discussing is the same theme being played out historically over and over again, that a small group of powerful people get to steer the narrative via populace manipulation. Interesting...

The NYT lady very well indeed knows what she is doing, but like all zealots she has fallen into the hubris trap of using flawed principles to further her agenda (whether it's for self-edification or other reasons is only truly known by her). The problem I have is that if she is misguided and truly believes that she is making a difference, does that make her evil? I agree her actions are horrid. I also completely agree with the premise that any attempt to control speech is evil, but I tend to have trouble with attributing all out judgment on a person who's motives may be skewed by a good heart corrupted by bad information.

And I have to thank you for your most excellent reply, now I have even more idea fodder to chew on, thank you!!