It's my daughter's 2nd birthday today. We celebrated it last Sunday and now that I think about it, we actually could've celebrated it today because we're stuck at home anyways.
Oh, yeah. The original plan was to go out of town and spend the weekend at this farm. We wanted our kids (girls, 7 and 2) to see some animals and see their eyes light up in amazement. Our youngest always has that look whenever we take her outside our gate to see something else other than the four walls of our house. Even stray cats amaze her.
It really saddens me how the kids today are missing out on a lot. What with school being online, not being able to go to malls, or zoos, or playhouses. Don't get me wrong, I don't want our kids going back to school or have any plans to bring them to the mall. But it's just sad. They haven't even seen much of the world and here they are, stuck inside the house.
Sure, we sometimes take them out for walks on street (facemasks on, of course) or I bring them when I have errands (they just stay in the car). But that's pretty much it.
I hope this would be over soon. I want to take them somewhere fun. I want them to play with other kids. I want them to learn how to interact with other people and the world around them. FU Covid.