🌈I'll Take Fries With That Rainbow!🌈 (Vegan/Gluten Free/Low Carb)

in #ocd5 years ago

Is this the world's healthiest, prettiest almost-poutine?

I think it just might be my friends (I mean if you forgive the lack of gravy, that is!)

April 20 salad.jpg

Canadians have this weird food... it's fries (potatoes), cheese and gravy piled on top of each other and oftentimes topped with all kinds of... well, whatever you can think of.

Despite rarely eating it back in the days of old when I lived in my homeland, I actually make sure to gorge on it every time I visit now just to bathe in the nostalgia. (Well, vegan, gluten free versions of course!)

So, I made this dish which at the time wasn't necessarily meant to be poutine (but then again, if I'm being honest), most of what I make isn't meant to be anything other than magic! ;)

Trading the potatoes for jicama to make this low carb, trading dairy for nut cheeze to make it vegan and omitting gravy altogether to make it GF-- it looks to me like there's a rainbow to taste!


Rainbow Almost-Poutine

April 20 2salad.jpg

What You Need:

  • Bunch of spinach
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes
  • 1 cucumber


  • 1 cup of cabbage
  • 1 cup of green beans
  • 1/2 cup cauliflower


  • Jicama fries
  • Kimchi
  • Roasted sunflower seeds
  • Vegan cheeze


  • 1/2 cup tahini
  • 1-2 lemons (juiced)
  • 1 tsp chipotle
  • 1/2 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt

What To Do:

  1. Chop up a jicama (or potato) into fries and put them into the air fryer with some sea salt and coconut oil (I added cayenne for some kick!)
  2. Wash and cut up the spinach. Spin it out and put it in a big bowl.
  3. Start steaming the beans, cauliflower and cabbage (you can eat them raw if you prefer but I like them a bit less hard.)
    Note: If you steam the veggies together the colors may run
  4. Cut up the cucumbers and tomatoes and put them in the bowl with the spinach
  5. Mix together the dressing ingredients with a bit of water until you get your desired consistency
  6. Remove the veg from the heat and let them cool a bit then put them in the bowl.
  7. Stir everything up with the dressing and sprinkle the toppings all over.
  8. The fries should be done now, check them to see if you can put a fork in them and if so, toss them on top!

April 20 1salad.jpg

I wish you yummy in your tummy!
Love and Light ✨
Cece 😘🧙
This post is original content by Cece Heart

What did you miss from me? Here's what I've been up to lately
(and there is plenty more where that came from!)

Why Rejection is a Reflection
Deep Dippin' Cheap & Easy
Make Your Leftovers Great Again
📺Vlog: Introvert Crawls Out Of Cave
Veggie Patties
📺Vlog: Your Food Tinder Date
Close Your Eyes: Poem
Easy Bowl Life Is Where It's At
📺Vlog: Intuition In A Time of Uncertainty
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Hot Bowl You Can Eat All Day!
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The Tale of the Wild Wild Cookie
Must Share Thoughts on Quarantine
4 Delicious Quarantine Snacks
To Quiche or Not to Quiche
Gluten Free Crust
Fysh Curry
Coffee Talk
Guiltless Brownies
Green Protein Fiend
Balinese Rendang
Loaded Jicama Fries
Cookies and Cream
CocoNutty Dream Cream Curry
Spinach and Quinoa Bathing in Tahini
Deliciously Unsuspecting Cabbage Fry
Pesto Impresso


When it comes to eating with your eyes this almost poutine looks amazing! Never had the original myself lol so I don’t even know what the hype is about but I’d like to try it some day

Haha well the real stuff is CERTAINLY less healthy/good for you than this is! It's basically a cholesterol nightmare so if you're going to try anything like it, I'd say this is the better way for body and mind ;)

More Spinach!

Immunity booster! Just over here tryna live forever ;)


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@trucklife-family here, yum this is a feast for the eyes for sure, love all the colours and the way that you have substituted some of the original ingredients for some super healthy ones.