A Pick Me Up?

in #ocd3 months ago

A couple of days ago I posted "A Big Let Down..."

monkey huge smile.jpg

Which was the very honest account of a man being humbled by his own foolish error. As he was carried away by the winds of his own imagination...


...from what he was supposed to be doing for the client he was working for...

...And of course, receiving the dreaded consequences of that error.

Which included explaining that lapse in judgment to the client—and refunding some $$.

Plus, (and more importantly, for that matter...) being quite disappointed with himself about the whole thing...

And knowing that the ordeal had damaged the client's 'mental image' of the man (which, up to the point, had been stellar...)

And of course, the man we're talking about (the one who screwed up)... happens to be me...

house disappointed (gif).gif

However, the post finished off in a flurry of encouraging comments about perseverance and...

..."life is a war, not a battle"...

...type commentary.

A true, Shakesperian effort to make myself feel better at a time when... To be honest...

I didn't feel very good at all about myself...

Sad face (gif).gif

But you know what?

I took those bold words to heart and kept my head up. Not just on the page, but in reality.

In life.

And the result was this:

Just two days later—things are already better than ever!

The projects that we've been tackling are really panning out. Numbers are up. Things are looking good.

And most importantly...

Their company is GROWING!


And some of my additions and strategies are making a small contribution to that growth...

I was even given public honor by the CEO to the rest of the team!

Which feels friggin' GREAT...

jonah hill omg yes (gif).gif


...I just finished writing some scripts and pre-storyboard descriptions for scenes on some animated videos that the client LOVES.

And over the next couple of days, I'm going to create some rough storyboard sketches. Which will be delivered to an animation team for production!

I'm so happy to have the privilege of getting paid to do this stuff. For real.

It's amazing.

In case you don't know (and it's unlikely that you would since I haven't really talked about it here), I'm a freelance copywriter/strategist/...a bunch of other stuff...

(who really knows what a copywriter does... anyway? Because our skillsets are always expanding...)

(Hint: The answer is—"Not even a copywriter...")

But, what's even crazier to think about is that...

The career I've been building all started with Steem/Hive.

thank you sensei (gif).gif


It started with writing here. Realizing I had a knack for it.

And then, setting out on "a collegian learning effort" to absorb the information necessary to become proficient at a wide variety of digital marketing–related tasks.

Two years of intense studying at the school of "online stuff" and "books-I-could-get-my-hands-on."

And then, combining that knowledge with experientially diverse freelancing jobs that have very quickly escalated in complexity to the amazing stuff I get to work on today.

I get to work as a combination of the following:

  • a sales copywriter
  • a content marketer
  • a content writer
  • a technical writer (occasionally, and a whole WORLD different than the writing style you're reading right now!)
  • an email copywriter
  • a consultant occasionally
  • and a sales/marketing strategist

All by the side of my wife @audiefaith in our little Chieftain Winnebago motorhome...

And the coolest part about all of it...

...is when we started this journey... We didn't even have a home.

We went from:

  • Addicted to drugs with a needle stuck in my arm...
  • To a tent outside on the ground...
  • To living in a little blue van with our dog...
  • To our van breaking down...
  • To living in a broken down van...
  • To this amazing motorhome (35 ft. Winnebago)
  • But we couldn't find anywhere to park and hardly had the money to get into a place...
  • To today... Which is amazing...

But I wouldn't be giving the whole story if I didn't say that God has been there EVERY step of the way for this journey.

Everything really changed when my wife and I started seeking Him. Straight up.

This wouldn't be an honest post if I didn't give credit to our ROCK—and yes, so there's no mistaking, His name is Jesus Christ.

I mean no offense toward anyone who holds a different viewpoint. I'm just going by what I've witnessed in my own life. :)

So, anyway... I just wanted to share a little about our journey with anyone who's interested...

I realize it's kind of hidden down here at the bottom of this post, so I might post something else specifically about this.

It has been a long time since I've really posted on Hive (just been trying to adjust to all the changes)...

But this community has been an integral part of our life!

We're actually planning on going back and reading old posts on our wedding anniversary...

Crazy... Right?

So, anyway. I think @galenkp would agree with the lesson I've been learning (below):

The proceeds of perseverance increase in value with every heel planted violently in stride despite the pain and inevitable resistance.

Press on toward the goal!


P.S. Congratulations to everyone who has made an absolute KILLER profit on all the hard work they've put into this during the past few years (both financially and in every other way). It's only the beginning... :D