I have been sitting here reminiscing at the picture of this common plant that is so dear us, Africa.
That's Cassava, common but King of all food's. Here in Africa cassava is so important to every household because it makes up part of their daily meal.
Cassava has been so dear to us Afikpo people that we even have a day we celebrate this great plant (King of all food's).
On the day of cassava celebration every household pounds cassava, a.k.a (akpu , Fufu or Santana), that is be accompanied by Ofe nsara (white soup) or any soup if your choice.
As the celebration is going on the women of every community converge at the village squares to dance and sing, thanking God for giving them this great plant. Then the children begins going from house to house to celebrate with their fellow children.
At the time of my research about Cassava I discovered something am about sharing with you guys.
1: Colouration
Here i noticed that that cassava leafs and sterms have two colors depending on type of cassava. And these colors are whitish green and brownish green. See pictures below.
Difference in number of leaves:
Cassavas leaves ranges from four,five, six, seven and right leaves depending on type, see pictures
Food's gotten from cassava are:
4, Akara iwa
With this I hope I enlighten you about cassava.
You have certainly enlightened me about cassava
It is amazing what we can get from nature
Awesome post my friend
This has been very interesting. The great thing about hive is getting to know people from other cultures.
This has been an amazing view of your world. I appreciate the share.
Did you take those pictures?
Yes I really did
Excellent images well done 😀