Hello and good morning all,
Today I'd like to share an on-site sculpture I carved back in September for a good customer.
The howling wolf..
This is one of my favorite customers, as she has hired me to carve 6 trees in her yard. We call that a vip customer...
Here was the stump I had to carve..the type of wood was ash..very hard
On day one I was able to get it blocked out..if you look you'll notice some cracking and a bigger void on the top of the head.
I filled all the gaps and cracks with off cuts from the stump and gorilla glue..that was the end of day 1...
The following day I was able to shave off the excess and then detail the wolf.
He was now ready for torching and paint..
Day 3 was a half day to finish off, resulting in a very happy customer.
I hope you enjoyed seeing what I saw, if so feel free to upvote and reblog. I love what I do and I'm happy to share here on Peakd. Please do stay tuned as I have much more to share on this awesome platform. Thanks for looking,